America Unearthed

Forensic geologist Scott Wolter explores mysteries, artifacts and relics to reveal a history of the North American continent not taught in school.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 43m

Release: 2012

Rating: 5.1

Season 1 - America Unearthed
"Geologist and adventurer Scott Wolter explores a government-restricted site, and makes a startling discovery connecting the ancient Mayans with rural Georgia."
"Scott Wolter investigates a burial site in the mountains of Arizona, only to discover it may belong to a medieval Englishman."
"Scientific testing connects a prehistoric Bronze Age civilization with the mysterious disappearance of vast amounts of copper from Lake Superior."
"Geologist Scott Wolter visits a Minnesota farmer who wants to investigate the possible existence of bones from a giant he unearthed in his yard. The bones raise the question of whether Vikings could have traveled all the way to America."
"A man shows up at Scott Wolter's lab with a 500-pound discovery. In the flatbed of his truck is a large boulder he pulled from the Arkansas River, inscribed with a mysterious bull symbol. Wolter's investigation into who carved the stone and for what ritualistic purpose ultimately reveals a connection between the ancient Egyptian cult of the Apis bull, the mysterious religion known as Mithraism and a party of pre-Columbian explorers to Oklahoma's panhandle. In the end, carvings in a cave in America's Heartland shed light on an ancient connection that could prove a group of religious outcasts made it to America in pre-Columbian times."
"Geologist Scott Wolter has reason to believe America has its very own Stonehenge in New Hampshire. With the help of a young man who discovered an amazing connection between America's Stonehenge and Stonehenge in England, Wolter explores the possibility that the ancient Phoenicians are connected to both of these megalithic sites. At America's Stonehenge, he uncovers many clues, including a sacrificial table and a mysterious message carved on a stone in ancient script that helps advance this provocative theory. He also discovers both sites are accurate astronomical calendars and that alignments with the heavens are incorporated into their design."
"In the late 1500s, years before Jamestown, the English sought to create their first settlement in America at Roanoke. A party of 119 colonists came over and settled but ultimately vanished. The fate of the Lost Colony of Roanoke has eluded archaeologists, historians and North Carolina locals, but as forensic geologist Scott Wolter discovers, a series of 48 stone clues that have been largely ignored and considered frauds may in fact hold the answer to America's oldest cold case."
"There are 800 very old, very mysterious, man-made stone sites in the Northeastern part of the United States. Forensic geologist Scott Wolter heads to rural Pennsylvania to investigate one of them--a meticulously crafted stone chamber buried underground in the woods. When he realizes it may have been a ritual bath chamber for a secret society, he embarks on a quest for answers as to who built, when and why."
"After his famous expedition to map the American West with William Clark, Meriwether Lewis recorded details of the adventure in a journal and intended to publish it. Before he could, he was shot and killed in an inn on the Natchez Trace. His death has been classified as a suicide, but as forensic geologist Scott Wolter discovers, there's reason to think he may not have killed himself. As Wolter investigates the death of America's most famous explorer he uncovers details that suggest President Jefferson himself may have had ulterior motives for the Lewis and Clark expedition that have never made it into the history books and may have led to his violent death."
"Heading to Tucson, Arizona with his son Grant, Wolter is eager to investigate a mysterious cache of crosses, swords and other relics pulled from the desert in the 1920s. One sword has a date--800 AD--written in Latin, which would suggest a group of Europeans was in the American Southwest hundreds of years before Columbus made it to America. Wolter's investigation is particularly important for one man--the grandson of the man who helped discover the items. The investigation could determine whether the artifacts are part of an elaborate hoax or part of a find that could change history."
"When Scott Wolter began investigating mysterious artifacts, he started to notice one unique symbol appeared on many of them. The symbol, now known as the \"Hooked X\", baffled researchers who couldn't make sense of it. As Scott's investigation into the origins of the symbol unfolds, he realizes its use is unique to just two notoriously secret groups--the Knights Templar and their modern day brethren, the Freemasons. Used in secret codes, cryptic ciphers and even the alleged tomb of Jesus himself, the symbol could be the key to understanding two of the biggest mysteries of all time--exactly what the Holy Grail is, and where it's hidden today."
"The Newport Tower is considered by many to be the most mysterious structure in the United States. Some people think it's a colonial era windmill or perhaps all that's left of an early water tower, but Scott Wolter is convinced it's something far more significant. Because of the archaeoastonomy and solstice illuminations that take place inside of the meticulously planned stone structure, he believes the Knights Templar came to America and built it centuries ago. Now, he's dead set on proving his theory. While planning an elaborate laser light show designed to illustrate the Tower's miraculous features, Scott discovers something else significant that ties this structure--and the Templar's modern day initiates--to one of America's most visited and most treasured icons."
"The Holy Grail is one of the most sought after treasures of all time, and one treasure hunter thinks he knows exactly where it is. He invites Scott Wolter along on his quest to find it, and the result is a North American treasure hunt of epic proportions. Legends, a treasure map and the results of ground penetrating technology all point to the Grail being in a single location--a holy well on the property of a rumored Templar Prince. What Scott finds in and around the well will shock even the skeptics in this edge-of-your-seat season finale."
Season 2 - America Unearthed
"Scott Wolter gets a call from a man who has a mysterious stone on his property. He's convinced that it's the \"Stone of Destiny\"--the stone that Jacob from the Bible rested his head on when he dreamed of a stairway to Heaven. As Scott investigates, he discovers the stone was once kept with something even more valuable. It was once kept with the Ark of the Covenant and both are rumored to have been brought to America. Scott's quest for the truth leads him to a sacred site in Ireland called the Hill of Tara and to a mysterious site in Arizona where a petroglyph depicting what could be the Ark could suggest its final resting place is right here in the United States. And, as for who brought it here, a tablet inscribed with the Ten Commandments found with a series of other artifacts could suggest a likely group of candidates--the Lost Tribes of Israel."
"Deep beneath the Denver Airport, conspiracy theorists say a revolutionary group that calls itself the New World Order is operating a secret base from which they'll eventually obliterate our central government. Scott Wolter is determined to get to the truth about this wild allegation. Along the way, he uncovers secrets about the New World Order that suggest the group is connected not just to one, but two mysterious sites in America where coded messages portending the end of the world continue to mystify and even terrify the general public. What's the truth behind the New World Order--and, will a tour of underground tunnels beneath the Denver Airport and the words of the only man who knows the truth offer new clues to suggest whether the NWO claims have merit or is just part of a modern day myth?"
"Since the 1800s, the City of Rockwall, Texas has had a mystery it's been trying to solve. Allegedly, the town was built on a massive rock wall that was constructed by some ancient civilization...or even giants. Could it be true? Scott Wolter conducts a massive excavation of the wall to figure out who--or what--created this wall and the controversy surrounding it."
"In 1000 AD, the Vikings made it to North America, establishing a base camp in Newfoundland at a site called L'Anse aux Meadows. But could they have made it further South to what is now the United States to build a permanent settlement called Vinland, which has been documented in legend, but has never been found? Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter thinks so. Now, he's hot on the trail of never before seen evidence and geologic clues that could prove it--including a message discovered off the coast of a forbidden island in Massachusetts that may have been left by famous Viking Voyager Leif Ericson himself."
"Legend has it that Egyptian treasure was discovered in a Grand Canyon cave in 1909. Against the beautiful backdrop of America's most grandiose natural spectacle, Scott Wolter embarks on a search to find out whether the legend is true. Along the way, he investigates legends of more caves found throughout the U.S. where similar rumors of buried Egyptian treasure persist. Examining artifacts, climbing into caves and separating fact from fiction and fake artifacts from the real deal, Scott Wolter comes out of this adventure with a clear opinion on whether Egyptians really did bury treasure in America long ago."
"America's 50th state has a \"little\" mystery that's persisted since ancient times; did an ancient race of tiny people called Menehune really exist? Scott Wolter can't resist weighing in on the possibility while on vacation with his family in Hawaii, and as he discovers, geology could be key in solving the mystery."
"What might Washington D.C. have in common with ancient sites like Stonehenge? It is thought by some to be constructed using an ancient unit of measurement called the megalithic yard. Thought to be used by some of the greatest civilizations of all time, this antiquated unite of measure could be the key to understanding the hidden meaning behind D.C.'s streets and structures. Scott Wolter investigates whether its use in the design plans of our nation's capitol created a sanctuary for people practicing goddess worship; people, like George Washington himself."
"Scott Wolter receives a tip that there are pyramids at the bottom of a lake in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. As he investigates, he learns local legend suggests they were built by Aztecs and over time, they've been buried as land and water have shifted. Could the Aztecs really have a connection to the American Midwest? Scott dives into the mystery, quite literally--taking a personal submarine called a Fugusub down to the depths of Lake Mills to investigate the underwater pyramids. His quest then leads him to other sites in the Midwest including the pyramids in nearby Aztalan State Park. Could it be more than coincidence that the park shares the same name as the legendary ancestral home of the Aztecs? In the end, the key to proving whether there's truth in the legend of Aztecs in America could be in the discovery of shared practices, symbols and language between north and south of the U.S. border."
"In Ohio, a massive mound in the shape of a serpent snakes it's way across the landscape and no one knows who built or why. Thousands of miles away, a similar serpent mound of unknown origins slinks across the landscape of Loch Nell. Could there be a connection between the two sites? As Scott Wolter investigates, he discovers evidence that both sites were constructed using the same type of archaeoastronomy. Not only that, but a number of other animal shapes have been constructed as effigies across the Midwest. In a search for answers, he discovers there could be a connection between all the sites and one of America's biggest pre-Columbian mysteries--what led to the disappearance of the people of Cahokia, America's largest city in pre-Columbian times."
"Forensic geologist Scott Wolter investigates artifacts featuring ancient Hebrew writing. Could they be tied to the Lost Tribes of Israel, who disappeared from the Bible in 722 B.C? Scott Wolter is bound for Tennessee to study the Bat Creek Stone, a controversial artifact with old Hebrew script found in the late 1800s. Intrigued, he then travels to Ohio to learn about an ancient mound shaped like a Hanukkah Menorah, which fascinated Thomas Jefferson. Finally, Wolter goes to New Mexico where petroglyphs feature a script that may pre-date Hebrew. All across America, Wolter finds many signs that suggest Jews made it here long ago--long before Columbus."
"In Florida, Scott Wolter is called in to investigate a mystery surrounding a group of early inhabitants of the Sunshine State known as the Windover Bog People. As Scott learns about the perfectly preserved specimens, he discovers they have some unique features that could suggest they are European. And if they were, it would mean European travelers made it to America some 7,000 years ago. It's a shocking revelation--but not as shocking as what Scott learns next--that group of Europeans known as the Solutreans may have been here thousands of years before that, and actually predated Clovis people, who have long been thought to have crossed the Bering Strait land bridge and been America's very first settlers. The key to solving the mystery of just how long ago Europeans were here could be a single artifact--a small stone carving of a mammoth discovered by a man near Vero Beach, Florida that dating suggests is 13,000 years old."
"When Scott Wolter gets a call from his friend John DeSalvo, an avid collector of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia, he has no idea that he's about to embark on a quest to learn whether there were a lot more people than just John Wilkes Booth behind the assassination of one of America's most influential presidents. Evidence Wolter uncovers suggests Booth was part of an infamous group of Confederates who formed a secret society called the Knights of the Golden Circle; a group that included influential politicians and rogue raiders like Jesse James. The evidence Scott complies suggests a new twist on the motives behind Lincoln's killing, and takes him on a wild ride through the history of the South at the time of the Civil War as seen through the eyes of the Knights of the Golden Circle."
"In 1200 AD at the same time the Vikings were discovering North America along the East Coast, new evidence suggests another group of intrepid voyagers may have been discovering the New World on the opposite end of the globe. When an obsidian spear point of mysterious origins is discovered by a group of hikers on the island of Maui, Scott Wolter is called in to investigate. Delving into it's origins, he discovers the artifact may have come all the way from Mexico--and is just one more clue in a mounting pile of evidence suggesting Polynesian voyagers made it there and back. What Scott wants to know is if they made it to Central and South America, could they have made it all the way to North America?"
Season 3 - America Unearthed
"Davy Crockett was an American legend immortalized in frontier folklore for being the last one standing at the Alamo during the fight against Mexico. It was there Crockett is said to have met his heroic end. However, new evidence suggests that's not the case. An Alabama man contacts Scott Wolter about a land claim allegedly signed by Crockett--nearly 20 years after his death! As Scott investigates, he learns more about Crockett's life, membership in a secret society and involvement in the Texas Revolution at the Alamo. There, Scott discovers that the history books may be wrong when it comes to Crockett's fate and that the frontiersman's enemy, General Santa Anna, may have saved Crockett's life in a stunning twist of fate."
"The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine is the most famous lost mine in American history. It was supposedly discovered and kept secret by a German immigrant named Jacob Waltz in the 19th century, hence the \"Dutchman\" name. Is a true story or tall tale? The mine is rumored to lie somewhere near the Superstition Mountains in Arizona, and treasure hunters have been trying to find this mine of untold riches for more than a century. Scott Wolter decides to team up with some of these folks and offer his assistance after realizing the key to solving the mystery of the mine may lie in understanding a mysterious map carved into a series of stones called the Peralta stones. In the end, what will they find?"
"The Appalachian Mountains are a region of incredible beauty and amazing legends. One such legend tells of a terrifying giant with a 7-clawed hand who left his mark on a massive rock. This incredible rock is sacred to Cherokee people who revere the artifact for its intriguing symbols and cultural significance. Others say the symbols aren't Native, but may be connected to visitors from afar--perhaps from over the ocean or from another world. Trying to set the record straight on this controversial stone, Scott Wolter heads to Appalachia. As Scott tries to determine the age of the carvings, he discovers the stone may have strange and mystical powers. He also learns that this isn't the only massive artifact in the region--the connection between the two may lead to a \"giant\" conclusion."
"Scott receives a strange package that points to a legendary treasure hidden in Southern Utah. When a journalist explains that the entire treasure of the Aztec empire may in fact be hidden in a man made tunnel system, Scott ventures out to separate truth from fiction. Through the investigation, Scott learns about the Aztec king Montezuma, cryptic symbols possibly used for navigation, and a deadly curse that may be all too real. In the end, Scott preps to dive on a haunted underwater chamber that may hold not only the gold, but also the ultimate secrets of the Aztecs."
"In 1874, Lt. Colonel George sent Custer on a scouting mission to the Black Hills area. He reportedly found something while he was there--gold. This sparked off a gold rush of settlers flooding the sacred Native American lands, which in turned sparked off a war. In response to the uprising, Custer led his forces into the ill-planned Battle of Little Big Horn, where he made his infamous Last Stand. But, before the battle, some say there was treasure to be had--gold coins, paper currency, and other valuables brought to the battlefield. So, what happened to the treasure after the battle? Piecing together a series of clues, Scott uncovers evidence suggesting Chief Two Moons who'd led the tribes against Custer, disclosed that he and his men may have looted the bodies. Only on his deathbed did he reveal it's secret location. Can Scott figure out where Custer's lost treasure might lie today?"
"Scott Wolter receives an intriguing tip from a published author on pirate's treasure troves and business magnates that may involve one of the richest men in America's history--John Jacob Astor. Scott learns that Astor made a fortune in real estate and the fur trade, but records show he may have really gotten his start from a lost treasure belonging to the famed pirate Captain Kidd. Scott heads to the east coast where he pieces together clues from Boston, New York, and Maine to determine if this claim is true. One of the main clues he investigates are a set of mysterious numbers likely provided by Captain Kidd that may be connected to a buried treasure. Could there still be a treasure that still needs to be unearthed along the coast of Maine? How did Astor truly get his fortune started?"
"Just east of the San Francisco Bay Area are the Berkeley Hills Walls--remnants of a massive, stone wall that stretches a distance of over fifty miles. The wall segments are up to six feet high in some places and are constructed of tightly fit limestone boulders. Scott is in intrigued by the fact that nobody knows who built the wall or even what purpose it serves. The only historical precedent for a miles-long, manmade, ancient wall is the Great Wall of China. Could ancient Asiatic explorers have made it all the way to the North American West Coast? In investigating the theory, Scott uncovers other evidence that could suggest the Chinese with their massive maritime fleet made it to the New World, using maps that were in the possession of Kublai Khan. He also discovers evidence that European explorers knew about China's epic voyages, including Italian explorer Marco Polo."
"Before the US declared its independence, its destiny hung in the balance with the vast lands of America up for grabs to anyone willing to stake a claim. Called to examine a possibly ancient land claim, Scott Wolter is drawn into an epic quest to prove whether French fur traders were actually here on a secret mission to steal pre-Columbian land claims placed at a much earlier time. The key to this whole mystery could lie in tracking down a long-lost artifact, allegedly found with strange carvings that only those with hidden knowledge could understand. On this adventure through America's little-known early history, Scott uncovers a high stakes game of land grabbing where only the winner comes in first--and the only way to win might be to cheat."
"Scott Wolter investigates a 3000-pound boulder hidden inside the Chicago History Museum's secret storage location. The Waubansee Stone used to be even bigger when it sat along the Chicago River outside Fort Dearborn. Known as the city's oldest piece of art, the stone features the face of a man with closed eyes, parted lips and a chin beard. Some think it was an homage to a local Native American chief, but others believe the stone may have had a more sinister use hundred of years earlier. Scott's search for the truth about the Waubansee stone results in a wild romp through important events in the history of Chicago--from ancient to modern times--in which the Waubansee Stone always seems to have played a role."
"Thousands of people walk through Central Park every day unknowingly passing by a crumbling relic that connects the Big Apple to ancient Egypt. Scott ventures to New York City after learning that an ancient Egyptian obelisk located in Central Park is undergoing restorations. The obelisk's hieroglyphs tell a unique story of the pharaoh that built it. But when researchers discover Freemasonic symbols under the 3,500 year old monument, a wrench is thrown into the timeline of History. Scott ventures into busy NYC searching for the truth behind the symbols and in doing so uncovers a secret message on the ceiling of Grand Central Station that points to an ancient alignment in the heart of America."
"Scott Wolter does not believe in Bigfoot--but he sure hears about it a lot. That's because the earliest Bigfoot sightings were supposedly recorded in--guess what? Rocks. Bigfoot sightings are pervasive along the West coast, but lately, reports of the big beast have started popping up in Minnesota--his home state--and he heads to investigate. Entering into the investigation as a skeptic--which is not a role we often see Scott in--he decides to tackle the question of whether Bigfoot is real. He goes in search of proof, checking out rock paintings of Bigfoot in California and even traveling to Nepal where he meets with a Sherpa who tells him he's seen the Yeti, an Asiatic \"cousin\" of Bigfoot that still roams the Himalayas, with his own eyes. So in the end, will Scott become a believer?"
"In an epic, two-part season finale, Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter returns to his roots, gathering new evidence to support the theory that started him down the path of investigating mysterious artifacts and sites in the United States. That theory? That some members of the Knights Templar came to America after escaping death on Friday, October 13th, 1307. He uncovers shocking new secrets and sites, both stateside and abroad, linking the Knights Templar to cryptic symbols he believes represent one thing--a connection to Jesus's rumored bloodline."
"In the conclusion of the two-part season finale, Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter uncovers shocking new secrets and sites, both stateside and abroad, linking the Knights Templar to cryptic symbols he believes represent one thing--a connection to Jesus's rumored bloodline. The finale plays out like a real-life Da Vinci Code drama that will have viewers on the edges of their seats!"
Season 4 - America Unearthed
"Scott Wolter travels to Arizona to verify the origin of alleged Viking artifacts found in the desert. If proven authentic the pieces could substantiate claims that the Vikings made it all the way down to the American Southwest."
"Scott Wolter bushwhacks his way through the jungles of Veracruz, Mexico, as he investigates ancient artifacts that could shatter the archaeological record forever and change everything we know about our place in the universe."
"Scott Wolter travels to Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, to check out a mysterious cave that may have been a stop on the Underground Railroad."
"Scott Wolter investigates a sensational new theory about the identity of Jack the Ripper. He also uncovers a connection between the ritualistic patterns of the Ripper murders and the Freemasons."
"Scott Wolter inspects mysterious carvings on a stone that may prove the ancient Phoenicians made it to America over 1,000 years before Christopher Columbus."
"Scott Wolter leaves no stone unturned in his quest to discover the true identity of Agent 355, a mysterious female operative who was a crucial member of General George Washington's Culper Spy Ring."
"Scott Wolter heads down to the land of gumbo and grits to search for the Honey Island Swamp Monster. He spends a solitary night in the Louisiana bayou to collect evidence of the elusive creature's existence."
"Scott Wolter travels up and down the Pacific coast in search of the long-lost treasure of ruthless privateer Sir Francis Drake."
"Forensic geologist Scott Wolter turns detective to crack one of Chicago's oldest cold cases -- the 1886 bombing of Haymarket Square. A recent dig for a buried time capsule may yield new clues about the identity of the bomber."
"Scott Wolter crisscrosses the Atlantic as he investigates cryptic carvings allegedly left behind by the Knights Templar. He runs scientific tests to prove his long-held belief that the Templars hid treasure in North America."