
Moritaka Mashiro, a high school student, is persuaded by his classmate, Akito Takagi, to become an aspiring manga artist when the latter realizes his natural talent as an artist. However, Moritaka is reluctant as his uncle, once an artist with his own manga, died from overwork. With Akito's help, Moritaka gets his school crush, Azuki Miho, who is an aspiring voice actress, to act in the anime adaptation of their future manga once it is completed. However, Mashiro also proposes to Azuki, who surprisingly accepts only on the condition she will marry him when both of them have achieved their dreams. With a goal set before him, Mashiro begins a long and struggling path to become a famous manga artist.

Type: tv

Season: 3

Episode: 2

Duration: 0h 25m

Release: 2010

Rating: 8.1

Season 2 - Bakuman
"Nakai vows to do whatever it takes to renew his partnership with Aoki, showing his determination to an extreme extent, worrying Mashiro, Fukuda and the rest."
"Their earlier decision pays off as TRAP begins to move in the rankings, but the competition gets very fierce. Overwork is slowly taking its toll on Mashiro, especially when he is asked to draw a colored page for their first manga volume promotion."
"The chief editor decides to put \"TRAP\" on hiatus until Mashiro and Takagi's graduation. He decided to do so because of Mashiro's uncle, whom many thought to have died from overworking himself, as he does not want the past to repeat itself. As the editors hear of the hiatus and reason why, most disagree with the idea but figure they can't do much about it. When Fukuda hears of the reason he gets furious and begins a boycott, including Nizuma, Hirumaru and the Aoki & Nakai team. They all decide to put their work on hiatus too until TRAP will be published again."
"The team must decide which genre to choose for their new manga. Miura urges them to draw a gag manga, but Mashiro and Takagi aren't sure they're fit for gag manga and prefer something more serious which is their forte. In the end they decide to create 2 new one-shots, one funny one to Miura's liking and one more serieus one, more to their liking. They show both Hitman 10 and Future Watch to Miura who tells them to try to get Hitman 10 serialized. This causes Mashiro to feel like this editor really is a \"miss\" since according to him, Future Watch is a lot better. In the end it's revealed Ashirogi Muto submitted Future Watch behind his back in the newbie contest, the Monthly Awards, in order to get all the editors, higher-ups and especially the manga artist judge, Niizuma, to read it."
"Both Ashirogi Mutos' one shots Future Watch and Hitman 10 are well received by the editorial staff. The chief decides to run both as one-shots, wanting to see the public reaction before making a decision on a possible serialization. Mashiro and Takagi aren't sure about their new editor and his skills and this gets worse when Takahama calls them because his manga Business Boy Kenichi ranked 6th as serie while it got 2nd place as one-shot, telling them not to listen to Miura too much and do things in their won style because taking Miura's advise made him fall down in the rankings. In the end Hitman 10 ranks 10th, while Future Watch ranks 9th."
"Aoki asks Nakai to draw the art for her new manga but he states he only will on the condition she will go out with him, angering her to the point she slaps him. Afterwards she continues her in search for someone to help her draw sufficient panty shots in order for her manga to have a more \"sh\u014dnen\" feel to it, but isn't able to find anyone suitable. After many events, Fukuda ends up offering his help, since his manga Kiyoshi Knight is doing so well due to his own well-drawn panty shots. Aoki is hesitant to accept his help but under the circumstances she has little choice but to accept it in the end."
"Takagi goes to Miyoshi's house to announce their engagement to her parents. The two families have surprising connection and everything goes well between them. Later, the pair attends a party where Niizuma's second series motivates them as rivals. Takagi is feeling more and more pressure as Otters, Hiramaru's manga, gets an anime series. Tanto's release follows that of +Natural (Iwase and Niizuma's new manga), and to their disappointment, it does not beat +Natural's second chapter in the rankings. Iwase suddenly claims she has a crush on Hattori and out of the blue, Niizuma announces he's not reading Ashirogi Muto's manga anymore..."
"It's time for Takagi and Miyoshi's wedding. Mashiro is still unsure if Tanto fits their style and ends up arguing with Hattori, who refuses to give his opinion about their manga. In the end Mashiro gets Hattori to admit he thinks their manga isn't good but he also tells him he still thinks they can beat Niizuma. When Niizuma declares on tv that Ashirogi Muto is his number one rival, Mashiro has a break down. He runs home and calls Azuki, saying he wants to quit Tanto because he wants to aim higher, because he wants to compete with Niizuma. Mashiro talks about it with Takagi and they decide to quit Tanto. The chief editor tells them to quit the company if they behave like this but Mashiro states his wish to beat Niizuma but that he's unable to do so with Tanto. The chief asks Takagi if he thinks they can beat Niizuma with a different work, so Takagi declares they'll submit something to the following 3 serialization meetings that can compete with Niizuma's work. If they fail to do so, their contract will be terminated."
"Mashiro and Takagi try hard to come up with good names for their new serie. Miura tells them they should work on a serious darker manga, like Money and Intelligence, so they decide to create an edited and more complicated version of their earlier manga, naming it Money, Intelligence and Appearance (aka KTM) which is also incredibly deep. However, it is not accepted for serialization. For the next meeting they are pushed by Miura to seriously attempt writing a mainstream fantasy manga with a simple setting, unlike TKM, against their own ideas. While they feel a \"standard battle manga\" isn't working for them, Miyoshi states the manga is enjoyable and that the simple setting is good for a change. In the end that manga gets rejected too, leaving them with one last chance."
"The team's newest work \"Stopper of Magma\" is rejected without consideration for serialization. Miura reveals he has been receiving advice from Hattori, who suggests they draw a serious comedy. Muto Ashirogi follow Hattori for inspiration, and develop the idea for their last chance manga."
"Miura reads the storyboard for the new manga Perfect Crime Club and approves of it. Takamta also reads the storyboard, admitting theirs is a lot better compared to his, leaving Mashiro and Takagi more confident about their new manga. They celebrate Christmas with Miyoshi but are still anxious about the meeting, deciding that if they don't make it they will continue being manga artists for another magazine. In the serialization meeting everyone seems to be positive about Perfect Crime Club but the chief editor asks them if it could seriously compete with CROW and +Natural. In the end he suggest they vote if the manga should be serialized, and the episode ends with the negative result 4\u20133 against the serialization..."
"Editor Oonishi, changes his vote to be positive, stating it's ridiculous to let Ashirogi Muto go because of this voting. The vice chief editor also changes his vote, stating they should leave it up to the readers to decide this matter. In the end the manga gets serialized. Mashiro, Takagi and Miyoshi receive the good news and eat home made cake from Azuki. They find a USB in the cake and listen to her special recorded Christmas carol. Mashiro and Takagi's editor changes again but it turns out to be Hattori, while Miura becomes the editor for +Natural. Hattori tells them about the initial voting result, triggering a brainstorm session where they discuss what they should change to make the manga even better. Hattori thinks it's Niizuma's 'expressiveness' that makes his manga so good but Mashiro changes it to 'imagination'. Mashiro decides to, just like Niizuma, draw the manga based on only Takagi's script (instead of his storyboards), giving him more freedom to draw the panels as he wants. Both of them start to rewrite the storyboard. Meanwhile Fukuda tells his editor he's working on a one shot, saying he doesn't want to lose against Niizuma and Ashirogi Muto."
"Mashiro changes the character design while Takagi struggles with naming the 3 characters and a possible new title. Orihara comes back as assistant + 2 new ones: Moriya and Shiratori. Those 2 argue if sales or treating it like an art is better for a manga. Mashiro tells them he and Takagi draw with sales in their minds, because they're not yet good enough to draw something that has true cultural value, saying that everyone should draw the way they want to. Takagi decides on the title; \"Perfect Crime Party\", aka \"PCP\". Meanwhile Fukuda is working on Road Racer Buchigiri. Everyone is curious how the votes will be with PCP as a story based manga against the intense and flashy Road Racer. In the end \"Perfect Crime Party\" gets 1st place and gets a total of 422 votes, amazing the editors because CROW \"only\" got 401 and +Natural 310 votes on their first chapter. The achievement is especially good since CROW didn't have a one shot like Road Racer to compete with at the time. Fukuda's Road Racer gets serialized too. Hearing +Natural dropped to the 8th place, Iwase gets fired up, as does Niizuma. At the end Mashiro, Takagi and Hattori visit Mashiro uncle's grave. Mashiro tells him he finally got 1st place and we see his uncle 'answering' that it should be a given and that when he truly becomes number one, he should come back again, but he smiles proudly."
Season 3 - Bakuman
"The series continues off with Mashiro and Takagi's Perfect Crime Party's serialization. Azuki receives an offer for an audition role in the +Natural anime but she is undecided due to a promise with Mashiro to cast as the female lead for the anime adaptation of his manga. In the end she personally tells Aiko and Eiji she declines the role but before they can talk it out she's taken away by Mashiro who decided to stop her last minute. They hold hands the rest of way. Before she heads home, Azuki tells him that next time they meet, they'll kiss; by that time, their dreams will have come true."
"Competition heats up between Perfect Crime Party and Niizuma and Akina's +Natural causing Mashiro and Niizuma to change their art styles. Akina becomes infatuated with Niizuma after he acknowledges her talent. Takahama and Fukada begin new serializations."
"Mashiro and Takagi decide that Perfect Crime Party won't be able to beat Crow and +Natural at their current pace. Takagi decides that writing a five-week long story arc will increase PCP's rating for week 25, but feels the story he comes up with is lacking something. After seeing Iwase again, he realizes that PCP needs a rival character."
"Yoshida wants Hiramaru to aim his manga, Never Reaching You, which placed 2nd in the Super Leaders Fest for a serialization. Hiramaru reluctantly agrees so long as he can go on a tea date with Aoki. Suspecting that Yoshida may be pulling the strings behind the scene, Hiramaru and Aoki to turn off their phones so they can't be disturbed. When Yoshida realizes this, he goes after them but is sent on a wild goose chase through the city. Takagi, Mashiro and Fukada deduce that Hiramaru went to the tea shop he wrote about in his manga. They chase him and Aoki to a pedestrian bridge where Yoshida tries to convince him to keep drawing because he is a true genius that comes around every 2-3 years. Hiramaru goes to confess to Aoki, but Yoshida tries to talk him out of it because he will be crushed if he is turned down. However he goes ahead with support from Mashiro, Takagi, Miyoshi and Fukada, to which Aoki accepts."
"Mashiro and Takagi begin reading The Classroom of Truth and decide that it is an excellent manga despite the fact that it is unorthodox in nature. The serialization committee however, in the end, decide that the manga itself is not suited for Shonen Jack and have it remain a finalist in the competition. Its author, Nanamine Tooru turns out to be a long time fan of Ashirogi Muto and is brought to Yueisha to discuss changing the material of The Classroom of Truth. However, Nanamine releases the manga on the internet which upsets Yueisha's policy but in return he brings them a new manga which the Chief reads and approves as a one-shot immediately, while everyone begins to think highly of him. Later, when Nanamine meets Takagi and Mashiro, he reveals a devious plan where he deliberately collaborates with fellow mangaka on the internet and incorporates their ideas into his work, which he then passes off as his own."
"As Nanamine's meeting with Mashiro and Takagi continues, he equates them to amateaurs with no self confidence. Realizing that their words are falling on deaf ears, Mashiro adamantly states that sooner or later Nanamine's scheme will be exposed. Nanamine continues to refine the storyboard for his one-shot with help from his internet community, should it get serialized and completely neglects input from his editor, Kosugi. A flashback shows Nanamine being a loner as a child, until he read Ashirogi Muto's Money & Intelligence, spawning his myopic philosophy that anything can be achieved through money alone. As Nanamine's rating gets even higher, Mashiro and Takagi analyze his progress and begin to discuss their successor to PCP. The editorial department continue to marvel at Nanamine's work albeit minor skepticism from Hattori and Kosugi."
"The serialization committee decides to serialize Aoki's What God Gave Me and Nanamine's What You Need for a Meaningful School Life. As Kosugi begins to be bothered by Nanamine's method, Hattori senses his discomfort and visits Mashiro and Takagi to gain some insight on Kosugi's attitude, which they reveal is due to Nanamine's unorthodox method, enraging Hattori. At the same time, Nanamine calls Akito to gloat about his serialization, but Ashirogi Muto states they will crush his methods using all the hard work they have put into PCP. Unperturbed, Nanamine says that they will let the rankings decide who is superior. Eventually, Hattori confronts Kosugi and is able to lift his spirits by reminding him of his value as an editor. As Nanamine collaborates with his internet acquaintances, some drop out after becoming fearful of his intention to challenge Ashirogi Muto."
"Kosugi explains the competition to Nanamine and tells him that if he loose, he has to form a proper author-editor relationship with him. Meanwhile, Takagi explains the obvious flaw in Nanamine's method: controlling such a large group of people and choosing\/blending the best ideas from them is simply impossible. Nakai also realizes this and tells the internet community that Nanamine had been hiding the true ratings from them to prevent their departure, which they do upon learnin of this. With his ranking dropped to 19th and PCP in 3rd place, Nanamine decides to give up but Kosugi doesn't let him walk away and demonstrates he wouldn't leave him, prompting Nanamine to start anew by doing the work himself. Eventually, at Yueisha's Annual New Years Day party (2016), Nanamine deems Ashirogi Muto his rival and vows to beat them eventually. Soon an elementary school reunion takes place which Mashiro attends and is hailed as a celebrity by his former classmates."
"As +Natural's ratings plummet to 15th place in the rankings, and being informed by Miura that her story is not on par with the battle archetype, Iwase loses confidence in her abilities and decides to stop writing altogether. Upon learning of this from Aoki through Takagi, Mashiro pays her a visit and reminds her that she is Takagi's driving force and should stay as a fellow rival, although she is free do do what she pleases. Eventually everyone from Team Fukuda shows up and witnessing how much they care, Iwase is able to restore her resolve. Later, Sasaki is transferred to another magazine, but before he leaves, pays Nizuma and Ashirogi Muto and visit. He expresses his desire to see them both do well and acknowledges the fact that he had favoritism towards Mashiro and Takagi due to a promise he kept to Mashiro's late uncle, Nobuhiro. Nizuma shows Yujirou his storyboard for his next manga with a zombie theme, with Yujirou remarking that it is already better than CROW."
"Mashiro and Takagi discuss their intention of covering the final confrontation of the main characters of Reversi in one go with a shocked Hattori, but they decide to cross that bridge when they get there. Meanwhile, Hiramaru's Never Reaching You is selected for an anime while Aoki's What God Gave Me is cancelled. In order to cheer her up Hiramaru invites Aoki to an amusement park with the intention of proposing to her. On learning of this, Yoshida is initially intent on stopping Hiramaru, since he will be distraught if he is turned down, but upon remembering his very first meeting with Hiramaru, decides to help him. At the amusement park, Hiarmaru takes Aoki to the ferris wheel, but isn't able to propose since he loses the engagement ring. Aoki realizes what Hiramaru is doing and gives him another chance, where he proposes in an unorthodox manner and she accepts, much to Hiramaru and Yoshida's joy."
"Mashiro, Takagi and Miyoshi go to a hot spring for the short new year holiday. Mashiro and Takagi contemplate how far they have come since middle school. As the year begins, the editors at Shonen Jack have a tough time deciding which series, Zombie Gun or Reversi should get an anime adaptation since both have compelling circumstances. Yujirou explains this to Nizuma who turns down the offer, but when he learns that Reversi will take its place he changes his mind. Aida asks for Hattori's approval in selecting Reversi but he is torn. He knows Ashirogi Muto might end the manga before the anime even starts and feels obliged to tell this, but then the offer might be pulled. Hattori discusses this with Mashiro and Takagi who both immediately agree on the anime, but they realize they may have to prolong Reversi for a year and thus sacrifice its quality."
"Hattori announces that the Reversi anime will begin airing in October and Mashiro breaks into tears as their dream is at last within reach. Heishi calls Nizuma and explains why he rejected Zombie Gun, since it will help Ashirogi Muto to rise to his level and secure the future of Shonen Jack. Azuki calls Mashiro to congratulate him and recites lines from Reversi. Later Ririki Kitami blogs about her meeting with Mashiro and his involvement with Azuki, which goes viral across the internet. As rumors begin spreading, everyone worries the public will accuse Ashirogi Muto of favoritism to Azuki, something that could damage her career. This is confirmed when Mashiro, Takagi and Hattori meet the animation committee for Reversi. Mashiro tells Azuki that she should deny any relationship with him on her weekly radio broadcast to preserve her image. However, instead she goes public with her relationshiptells everyone about their promise. This has a mixed effect on the public."
"After the radio broadcast, Azuki's fans seem to have calmed down and Reversi gets a lot positive attention. The anime producers want to hold a public audition for the female lead role and let the public vote who should get the role, which would be unfavorable for Azuki sinds she won't be judged objectively. Despite this, Mashiro agrees, not wanting to let people think she got the role through connections. During the auditions Azuki's performance is excellent but people notice that she mentioned \"Schwarz\" instead of \"Weiss\" during her performance, like all the voice actresses did before her. Worried how the different line in the script will affect her, everyone is worried. Later, during the show, the director of the program makes a short announcement in which he states the script was based on the published Shonen Jack magazine edition, where the mistake was printed in, but that this was corrected in the manga volume."
"Following Azuki securing the role of the lead female character, Hattori, Mashiro and Takagi begin discussing their intention to end the Reversi manga in July. Later, Mashiro calls Azuki to congratulate her and they make plans to meet once the first episode of Reversi finishes airing. Hattori tells Heishi about Ashirogi Muto's plan, which he rejects and orders Hattori to convince them to continue the manga. Hattori explains this to Mashiro and Takagi and they decide to think about their final decision. However, Takagi has a separate meeting with Hattori. He states that he will end Reversi in 8 chapters and surpass Nizuma in both rankings as well as volume sales, making Mashiro the best mangaka in Shonen Jack, wanting this to be his wedding present. Hattori decides to take responsibility reflect the words of Director Torishima: 'when the company and authors are at odds, a good editor should stand by the author'."
"Hattori meets with the production staff and cast of Reversi's anime as production gets underway. At the studio, Mashiro reveals to Miyoshi of his intention to propose to Azuki after Reversi's premiere and thanks her for creating their pen name: \"Ashirogi Muto\". As Miyoshi leaves, Mashiro and Takagi reflect on their journey thus far. Elsewhere, Azuki reveals her and Mashiro's plans to meet after the anime to her mother, while Mashiro reads his uncle's diary. Later, after the anime premieres, Mashiro picks up Azuki in an fashion, honoring one of his late uncle's dreams and they talk about the times they had been together. Soon, Mashiro takes Azuki to visit her former home where they recreate the scene of the first time Mashiro approached her at her house, before proposing. Azuki answers by kissing him and promises that they will be together forever. Eventually everyone attends Hiramaru and Aoki's wedding where Azuki catches the bride's bouquet of flowers. Finally, Azuki and Mashiro move into Azuki's old house together with the intention to officially have a wedding ceremony if Ashirogi Muto's newest work gets a serialization. With their dreams finally achieved, Mashiro ends the series with a monologue, stating that dreams are not achieved by someone telling you so, you have to make them a reality yourself."