In Search of...
In Search of... is a television series that was broadcast weekly from 1977 to 1982, devoted to mysterious phenomena. It was created after the success of three one-hour TV documentaries produced by creator Alan Landsburg: In Search of Ancient Astronauts in 1973, In Search of Ancient Mysteries and The Outer Space Connection, both in 1975. All three featured narration by Rod Serling, who was the initial choice to host the spin-off show. After Serling's death, Leonard Nimoy was selected to be the host.
Genre: Documentary
Country: United States of America
Type: tv
Season: 1
Episode: 1
Duration: 0h 30m
Release: 1977
Rating: 8.2
Season 1 - In Search of...
"In this episode we investigate New Hampshire's Mystery Hill and the \"\"Oracle Chamber.\"\" Was this site, as some believe, built by ancient Phoenicians, who traveled to America in the dim past, thousands of years ago? Or is it an elaborate hoax? Scientists and Archaeologists discuss their views and their theories on what the ruins may mean and who might have built them. Some of the stones seem to indicate their use was to track the solstices, equinoxes, and other celestial events. Some experts even believe that aliens may have been responsible for the site while others attribute it to Native Americans."
"This episode investigates the mysterious Bermuda Triangle, that expanse of the Atlantic bounded by Miami, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico. An area where ships and planes routinely disappear without a trace. An area filed with strange phenomenon, mysterious fogs, mists, erroneous compass readings, strange lights, and time warps. A place where these disappearances date from the time of Christopher Columbus. Believers and skeptics, eyewitness and scientists all give there views and theories on what is going on in that strange part of the Atlantic Ocean."
"This episode investigates the Native American Legend of Bigfoot or \"\"Sasquatch\"\" as the Native Americans call it. A large, hairy beast, resembling a man. Scientists and Cryptozoologist discuss the possibility that this creature may inhabit the thousands of square miles of uninhabited timberland in the American Northwest. The legend of Bigfoot dates back may centuries and sightings have been reported continuously since before the white man came to this region of America and they continue today. Archival footage of a suspected Bigfoot is shown and discussed with both witnesses and scientists evaluating the film."
"In this episode, the advance of Killer Bees, originally imported to South America from Africa, and their march northward into Central America, Mexico, and their eventual expected entry into the United States is investigated. We look at what these bees have done and their impact on Brazil, and other areas into which they have moved. The deadly threat they pose to humans and animals when disturbed, their interbreeding with domestic bees, and their possible impact on the U.S. if their advance is not stopped before they reach America. This is one of the episodes that is a bit dated since killer bees have now invaded the United States and have been responsible for the deaths of several humans and animals."
07 May 1977
"An examination of the techniques scientists are developing to study seismic activity and predict quakes."
"In this episode we investigate the \"\"Mummy's Curse\"\" or the supposed curse that struck the members of the Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter expedition that discovered and then entered the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamen in 1922. The validity of this curse is investigated to see if it was responsible for the several mysterious deaths, including that of Lord Carnarvon himself. Was there a real curse on the tomb or was the events that happened merely a strange mix of ancient mold and coincidence? Did the boy king reach out from the grave to punish the intruders who disturbed his eternal rest and his journey to the afterlife or did he?"
"This episode investigates the possibility of life on the planet Mars. Does it exist and\/or did it ever exist on the Red Planet? The show not only discusses the possibility of intelligent life on Mars but on that of plants and other forms of life. The changes that have taken place to the planet over the eons and the possibility that the same fate could await Earth. Footage from various observatories of the planet are shown and scientists discuss the past and future exploration of our neighbor in space."
"This episode investigates Atlantis, the legendary island that was supposed to have existed \"\"beyond the Pillars of Hercules\"\" (Straits of Gibraltar) and whether or not it really every existed. Plato's dialog on Atlantis is discussed as well as the possible locations of Atlantis. Was it near the Bahamas, was it in the Mediterranean itself, or was it the ancient island of Santorine, that was blown into oblivion by a volcanic eruption? Scientist discuss underwater archeology of the region and that of the Bahamas and historians debate the historical accuracy and validity of Plato's dialog on the legendary island."
28 May 1977
"Do the powers of extrasensory perception really exist, and can they be taught?"
29 May 1977
"Pursues the rumor of Nazi plunder worth billions and a 30-year old track that could lead to it."
08 Jun 1977
"In Search of investigates Dracula by examining the life and legacy of Vlad Tepes."
15 Jun 1977
"Provides answers to the mysteries of how 70-ton giant stones came to the remote island and who might have destroyed some of them."
29 Jun 1977
"A visit to a soul research institute for firsthand accounts of people who claim they have died and come back to life."
11 Aug 1977
"Camera crews accompany a Peruvian excavation party in quest of a great Inca city believed lost for 300 years."
Season 2 - In Search of...
09 Feb 1978
"In 1945 a Bedouin shepherd boy discovered writings which are over 2,000 years old, and the program looks at these scrolls and the effect they have had on organized religion."
Season 3 - In Search of...
04 Jan 1979
"\"In Search of ...\" explores the mysteries of dreams and nightmares: why we have them and what they do for us."
08 Feb 1979
"This episode looks into the scientific methods used to prove the Flood as described in The Bible."
10 May 1979
"Scientists look into the theory that the remains of these wicked cities are on the very site of a crater now filled by the Dead Sea."
Season 4 - In Search of...
27 Sep 1979
"A profile of the notorious international terrorist, Ilich Ram\u00edrez S\u00e1nchez aka Carols."
08 Nov 1979
"This segment examines the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, which many believe is the actual burial cloth of Christ and that it bears His image."
06 Dec 1979
"A profile of the notorious airplane hijacker who has never been captured."
07 Feb 1980
"Episode 88. Here an examination is made of bones found in a North African monastery, which are said to be those of John the Baptist. The program features a sequence which recreates John ..."
31 Jan 1980
"\"In Search of ...\" examines evidence that life on earth began when extraterrestrials brought it here."
Season 5 - In Search of...
07 Feb 1981
"Season 5 (1980-81). A brilliant documentary on the fascinating legend of the Holy Grail, the silver chalice which Christ used at the Last Supper. The cup was preserved by Joseph of ..."
21 Feb 1981
"A examination of the last great passenger dirigible and the question of whether its explosive destruction was by accident or sabotage."
Season 6 - In Search of...