Not Going Out

Lee is a childish northerner who lives in a fancy penthouse apartment in London who goes through a variety of jobs such as a janitor and ice cream man, as well as attempting relationships with female flatmates. His best mate, Daily Mail reading, middle-class citizen Tim is always there to stop Lee from getting in trouble, or not? Mayhem is never far away with cleaner Barbara who has never done an honest day's work in her life.

Genre: Comedy

Country: United Kingdom

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 30m

Release: 2006

Rating: 7.4

Season 1 - Not Going Out
"Kate tries clown classes after unsuccessfully getting Lee to go to them. You couldn't really call her own attempts a success. To repay Kate Lee goes on a date with Lucy Moss, an author whose book, about her turbulent life, was published by Kate's company. It's a less than happy event, as Lee proves less than great at being serious. With Lee out of the way Tim tries to make things up with Kate."
"Tim's 94-year-old grandmother dies. Kate accuses Lee of not being in touch with his emotions when he fails to tell her. As penance he sees an expensive psychotherapist, who gets a bit too close to the truth. Tim, flirts with Kate, less than successfully, while she comforts him at his grandmother's funeral."
"Ruth, an Australian friend of Kate's, comes to stay and Lee is persuaded to pretend to be Tim. Lee gets a job handing out leaflets at a shopping centre, but soon falls foul of a local youth."
"Lee starts teaching Kate to drive. His (or her) lack of success seems to stress him out and Kate notices. She persuades him to try some yoga and given his track record he doesn't take it seriously. He is banished to have acupuncture while Tim tries his hand at teaching Kate how to drive. He does surprisingly well until Lee admits that he's taking tranquillizers during an increasingly speed fuelled drive in the countryside. Big question...will she pass?"
"Kate and Lee are forced to take in a lodger, a surly 14-year-old boy called Nicky. Lee's attempts to bond with the teenager prove less than successful, while Tim and Nicky discover they have quite a lot in common. Meanwhile, Kate tries to persuade a carnivorous Great Dane to become a vegetarian with unfortunate results."
"Lee finally manages to get a job, as a caretaker. But taking up the new post involves moving out of the flat. Kate interviews potential new flatmates including Pete, and Tim sees an opportunity to get back together with Kate. Lee's new boss proves to be a hard taskmaster. So, will Lee stick at the job or throw in the towel and move back in with Kate?"
Season 2 - Not Going Out
"Tim decides to sell the flat, so Lee sets to work putting off prospective buyers."
"Lucy persuades Lee to pretend to be gay after she lies to a business acquaintance Guy, who she was told is gay himself, by telling him she lives with a gay flatmate to prove she is not homophobic. However, Guy soon starts to get suspicious and tests Lee's sexuality by taking him to a gay bar. Later, Guy overhears Lee saying to Tim, who had started to think Lee was gay, that he is not gay. When Lucy then explains to Guy what happened, he reveals he is not gay and he and Lucy kiss."
"Lucy and Guy are going out with each other, and Guy has practically moved in. This annoys Lee who thinks Guy is too old for her. Lee soon discovers that Guy owns a lap dancing club. While at the club, Lee and Tim see Rose (Thaila Zucchi), a librarian that Tim has been seeing, and discover she is a lapdancer. Tim later dumps her, but then changes his mind. However, Rose refuses to get back together. Meanwhile, Lucy dumps Guy but they soon get back together but agree to take their relationship more slowly."
"When Guy's daughter Chloe gets appendicitis, Lee and Tim are left looking after her son Dillon while Guy and Lucy visit her. While in their care, Dillon swallows a subbuteo football and Lee and Tim have problems locating it, and try to think of ways to get it out of his body. However, it later turns out Dillon did not swallow it after all. Lucy is worried about the age gap between her and Guy."
"In an effort to appear as intellectual as Lucy's friends, Lee shows off his 'knowledge' of the art world - holding forth on the subject of an unknown artist, who his cleaner Barbara has told him is the next big thing. When Lucy takes the advice and invests a fortune in the artist's work, Lee is left trying to prevent her from finding out the artist is actually a nobody."
"As Lucy and Guy's relationship intensifies, Lee starts to ponder his lack of a girlfriend and, encouraged by Barbara, tries speed dating. Tim is forced to go on a disastrous date with Barbara in order to prove that he sees her as more than 'the help'."
"Guy showers Lucy with expensive gifts and whisks her away for a weekend."
"Lee's plan to spend time alone with Lucy at Christmas is threatened."
Season 3 - Not Going Out
"Lee is shocked when Lucy announces that she is pregnant and he wonders if he could accidentally be the baby's father."
"Lee wins a \u00a31000 after winning an essay writing competition. A journalist shows up to interview Lee but expects him to be disabled after reading his story."
"Lee and Tim ask a lesbian couple who have moved into the building over for dinner. They are shocked when Lucy discovers a side of herself that she never knew existed."
"Lee and Tim decide to try and throw Lucy a 30th birthday party but they both have different ideas. Lee is not happy when Lucy shows up at the party with a man and decides to try and get rid of him."
"Lucy isn't happy with the noise a new neighbour is making. She asks both Lee and Tim to talk to him but both are scared too. Tim decides to take up boxing so that he will have more courage. Lee ends up going to confront the man."
"Lucy is stressed. She has an important speech to make at a Recruitment Conference and nobody to help her write it. Lee sees an opportunity to impress her and offers his services but at the expense of Tim, who also thinks he's the best man for the job. What starts off as a small job now turns into a competition between Tim and Lee to not only see who can come up with the wittiest lines but also to establish which of them Lucy likes best."
"Lee is shocked when he finds out that Lucy is thinking about getting married to Pavlov so that he will be able to remain in the country. As Lee attempts to get her to change her mind her family and other friends think that Pavlov is perfect for her."
"Lee's father turns up at the flat unannounced. This is the man who walked out of the family home when Lee was four, never paid his maintenance and ate Lee's goldfish. Lee wants him out of the flat but Lucy tells him that the only way forward is to forgive and forget. Unfortunately, Lee's dad's behaviour makes this virtually impossible for Lee to achieve."
Season 4 - Not Going Out
"After a night spent out clubbing, Tim returns to the flat wearing the wrong coat, and convinces Lee to help him return it to its owner."
"Lee's past catches up with him when a young woman appears on his doorstep and asks for a cup of sugar."
"Lee promises to stop treating Lucy's flat as if he owns it - but not before he has hired it out to a film director."
"Lucy and Tim are distraught. Their parents' 30 year marriage is at an end and their father has moved out of the family home - and into Lee's bedroom."
"Lee dreams of a perfect life with Lucy, but can the reality ever match up?"
Season 5 - Not Going Out
"When Tim joins a band at work and Lucy falls for the lead guitarist, Lee becomes jealous, and decides that if he can't beat them he should join them."
"Lee's lazy weekend is wrecked when his scrounging father turns up unexpectedly. Having just come out of hospital he needs somewhere to stay for the weekend. Will Lee take on the demanding role of carer?"
"In a desperate bid to prove his manliness, Lee joins Tim, Daisy and Lucy on a camping weekend in the middle of a dark spooky forest."
"To impress Lucy, Lee starts training for a 10 kilometre Fun Run only to injure himself immediately. In an effort to hide the injury from Lucy, he gets himself a secret sports massage, but this just leads to more trouble."
"Lucy finds herself working on a Government initiative encouraging men to regularly check themselves for lumps. Eager to please Lucy, Lee follows the campaign's advice and discovers something he wasn't expecting."
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Season 6 - Not Going Out
"Lucy accidentally runs over a pet rabbit belonging to the daughter of an important client."
"On a holiday to Eastern Europe, Lee, Daisy and Lucy become stuck on a cable car."
"Lee takes advantage of Lucy's new-found skills as a relationship counsellor to patch things up with his father."
"Lee does what he has to do to stop Lucy from flirting with the male delegates at a three-day annual trade conference in order to get herself work."
"Lee decides that the best way to get Lucy to notice him is to make her jealous. Now all he has to do is find himself a girlfriend."
"Lee is forced to fight for Lucy's attention when her first love reappears on the scene."
"When Lucy's god-daughter is suddenly dumped on her the night before the girl's birthday party, Lucy and Lee have to come up with an appropriate entertainment for fourteen nine-year-olds."
"Lee spends a long weekend on his a boat with Lucy, even though she is terrified of water."
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Season 7 - Not Going Out
"When Lucy has her handbag stolen from right under Lee's nose, he feels the need to prove his manliness over and over and over again."
"Lee's big mouth has got him and Lucy invited to a christening party thrown by new neighbours Toby and Anna, and now they have no time to find the perfect present for the baby who has everything."
"When Lucy decides it is time to have a baby, she is surprised to find the whole family taking a personal interest in the conception."
"Lucy aspires to be friends with her posh new neighbours Toby and Anna, but she hasn't reckoned on Lee dragging her back down to earth."
"In an attempt to impress Lucy with his intellectual prowess, Lee joins Daisy as a contestant on the TV quiz show Pointless."
"Frank's drinking becomes a problem and forces Lee and Lucy to reassess the living arrangements in the flat."
"No matter what happens, Lucy's surprise party for her parents' anniversary must remain a secret or it won't be a surprise. So why she tells Lee about it is anyone's guess."
"Flying off on a summer holiday, Lucy and Daisy endure the worst flight of their lives when Lee gets a bad case of the jitters on the plane."
"Lee spends time in the bar with Toby worrying that the woman of his dreams is drifting further away."
"After being pressured by Frank, Lee gets drunk on the night before his and Lucy's wedding, which causes serious problems for Lee and Frank, along with Lucy's father, Geoffrey. Will the three of them make it to the church on time?"
Season 8 - Not Going Out
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Season 9 - Not Going Out
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"Lucy's father reluctantly allows Lee to help Lucy clear up the builder's mess in their new kitchen extension."
"As a surprise for Lee's birthday, Lucy invites the whole family to join them in an escape room."
"A missing toy keyring causes a rift between Lee and Lucy and best friends, Toby and Anna."
"To teach the children to be more responsible Lee and Lucy get a family pet."
"Lucy considers breast enlargement surgery"
Season 10 - Not Going Out
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"A sponsored parachute jump raises not just money for Toby's hospital but questions about Lee's courage as well."
"Can Lee and Lucy\u2019s friendship with Toby and Anna survive a long weekend in a damp cottage in the New Forest?"
"Lee is outraged that the twins have started sex education at school and resolves to teach them everything he knows about the facts of life before Miss Anstis corrupts them."
"When Charlie\u2019s school gets a bad Ofsted rating, Lee and Lucy start looking around for alternative schools. Despite Frank's protests, Geoffrey and Wendy offer to pay to send Charlie to a private school, which presents Lee and Lucy with a moral dilemma."
"Lee interrupts Lucy\u2019s favourite television programme by plonking himself down next to her on the sofa, eating her chocolates and talking loudly all the way through the dialogue. When he suddenly finds he can\u2019t remember the name of the leading actor and his hypochondria tells him he is losing his memory, Lucy's evening is ruined."
"Unable to convince Lucy that he didn\u2019t smash her precious antique vase - an heirloom that belonged to her grandmother - Lee summons the family to a meeting to flush out the culprit."
"Lucy takes the kids away to her parents while Lee stays in the house to oversee the building work in their kitchen. Unfortunately, the builder Lee has employed to do the job has an annoyingly relaxed attitude to deadlines."
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Season 11 - Not Going Out
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Season 12 - Not Going Out
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29 Apr 2022
"Lee organises a family camping trip into the back of beyond where they soon discover that no one can hear them scream."
Season 13 - Not Going Out
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