
"All the Legends Are True"

When Clary Fray's mother has disappeared, Clary joins a band of Shadowhunters; demon killing hunters, and gets caught up in a plan to save the world.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 42m

Release: 2016

Rating: 7.6

Season 1 - Shadowhunters
"One young woman realizes how dark the city can really be when she learns the truth about her past."
"With the knowledge that Valentine is alive and on the hunt for The Mortal Cup, the Institute is on high alert. Not wasting any time, Jace jumps into action and figures Clary\u2019s memories are the key to finding Jocelyn and The Mortal Cup. Unfortunately, Clary\u2019s memories were wiped leaving her without any recollection of this other life that could help her and the team. With only one other option remaining, Jace, Isabelle and a very reluctant Alec take Clary to the City of Bones to face the powerful Silent Brothers.\n\nMeanwhile, Luke continues his search for Clary, and Simon tries to come to terms with his best friend\u2019s new life."
"With Simon being held captive at The Hotel DuMort, Clary pleads with Jace, Alec and Isabelle to help her rescue her best friend. As the team readies for the mission, Jace helps Clary learn more about her Shadowhunter powers, Isabelle turns to her favorite Seelie for Intel, and Alec begins to question Jace's motives and his place in their partnership.\n\nMeanwhile, a very scared Simon gets very up close and personal with Camille, the leader of the vampire clan."
"After getting a clue about who may have wiped Clary's memories, the crew hunts down the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Magnus Bane. With all of the warlocks in hiding from Valentine, the team must lure Magnus out with something he can't refuse - a killer party and something very valuable. But with emotions running high, more may come out of their meeting with Magnus than just the retrieval of Clary's memories.\n\nMeanwhile, Simon doesn't seem to be himself after his recent Downworlder encounter."
"Tensions escalate between Alec and Clary as they don't see eye to eye on the best way to hunt down Valentine. But when Jace and Isabelle are sent on an intel mission to the Seelies by Maryse Lightwood, Alec is put in charge of keeping Clary safe, much to both of their chagrin. With his hard-as-nails mother back in town and Clary's rule-breaking tendencies, Alec finds himself struggling to stick to the Claves rules while keeping his promise to Jace.\n\nMeanwhile, the New York City Werewolf pack begins their hunt for Clary and The Mortal Cup."
"With Luke in dire need of help, Jace, Clary and Simon take him to Magnus' lair in hopes of saving his life. Once there, the story of how Valentine came to be evil, and Jocelyn and Luke's past is revealed to Clary in hopes of triggering her memory of what happened to The Mortal Cup.\n\nMeanwhile, Isabelle and Alec are tasked to restore their family name in the eyes of The Clave."
"After piecing together the clues as to where her mother hid the Mortal Cup, Clary, Jace, Alec and Isabelle are on the clock to find its hiding place before anyone else. But with demons and Downworlders lurking everywhere, obtaining the Cup may not be as easy as they had hoped.\n\nMeanwhile, as Simon's symptoms become increasingly worse, he fears he is turning into a vampire. "
"With word of Alec, Jace and Isabelle\u2019s \u201cextracurricular activities\u201d with Clary reaching The Clave, a convoy is sent to observe the Lightwoods running the New York Institute. Once The Clave representative arrives, it is very clear how much trouble the Lightwoods are in.\n\nMeanwhile, Clary is faced with a devastating decision."
"After the attack, the Institute and The Clave are on high alert and taking no prisoners to get answers. When Lydia makes a harsh call on the Seelies, Jace, Clary and Isabelle fear that this decision could be disastrous and the wrong way to defeat Valentine. Left with no other choice, the trio takes drastic actions to stop what is about to take place.\n\nMeanwhile, Simon struggles to deal with his new situation, and Alec is emotionally torn with what is happening at the Institute."
"Clary and Jace get a tip from Meliorn that they can find Valentine by locating a portal in another dimension, but only Clary can venture into this new world. What Clary finds in this alternative universe is that life there is as if the threat of demons no longer existed and Shadowhunters were no longer needed. While she realizes that this dimension is the life she always dreamed of, Clary must act fast or she will lose herself in the alternative world forever.\n\nMeanwhile, Alec and Isabelle must face the consequences of the Downworlder attack."
"After receiving important intel about Valentine from a surprising ally, Clary, Jace and Luke devise a plan to rescue Jocelyn. With the mission looking almost impossible, the three will stop at nothing to rescue Clary\u2019s mother and put a stop to Valentine once and for all.\n\nMeanwhile, Inquisitor Herondale arrives at the Institute for Isabelle\u2019s trial as Alec turns to Magnus for help."
"The Institute is in full swing as everyone is preparing for the wedding of Alec and Lydia. Lydia is getting final touches made on her wedding dress, the wedding decorations are set and Isabelle is trying to figure out a way to throw a traditional, mundane bachelor party for her brother \u2013 whether he likes it or not. During what should be a time of great celebration for many is far from it as they examine their relationships. Alec is struggling on two sides \u2013 his wedding is one of the biggest days in his life and his parabatai should be at his side, yet he and Jace are still at odds. Alec also continues to struggle with his feelings for Magnus, especially when Magnus won\u2019t give up on Alec. And as the Institute is buzzing with romance, Clary is desperate to work things out with Jace, but he is keeping her at arm\u2019s length. Meanwhile, Jace, Clary and Magnus go looking for warlock Ragnor Fell to try and find the antidote to awaken Jocelyn."
"Jace, who is still reeling from everything that has happened, makes hunting down Valentine his number one priority even though he continues to wrestle with his conflicted feelings. In hopes of finding a way to stop Valentine before it is too late, Clary and Simon must find the key to unlocking Jocelyn's coma. But that key to unlocking Jocelyn\u2019s spell may just undo the Downworlder peace treaty, Simon's relationship with Raphael, and the Vampire clan in the process.\n\nMeanwhile, Alec must deal with the aftermath of his decision and what his choice means for his future."
Season 2 - Shadowhunters
"Only hours have passed since Jace left with Valentine and all hell has broken loose at The Institute. Alec, Isabelle and Clary are desperate to find Jace, but are quickly stopped in their tracks with the arrival of Victor Aldertree, who means business about getting the Institute back on track. But getting the New York Shadowhunters in-line with The Clave may be counterintuitive to Alec, Isabelle and Clary's plan to rescue Jace. Meanwhile, Jocelyn has a lot to catch up on now that she is awake."
"The hunt is on for Jace Wayland, and Alec and Isabelle hope to reach him before the rest of the Shadowhunters do. With orders from the Clave of \u201cshoot to kill,\u201d the Lightwood siblings must act fast. Also on his own search, Simon turns to Magnus for help when he finds himself at odds with both Raphael and Aldertree. Meanwhile, Clary struggles to find where she belongs since she doesn\u2019t seem to fit into the Shadowhunter world, yet can\u2019t go back to her mundane life."
"Already cut off from the Institute and his friends, Jace finds his situation worsen when he becomes a target for the New York wolf pack who believe Jace to be a killer. And don\u2019t forget about Aldertree and the Shadowhunters who continue their own hunt for Jace! With Jace becoming the most wanted man in New York, can his friends get to him before everyone else? Meanwhile, Simon is on a search of his own as Raphael puts pressure on him to find Camille."
"Clary continues to struggle with the new Shadowhunter order as Jace is being held in The City of Bones with an unknown fate, and all suspicion in the Shadowhunter world continues to rest on Valentine\u2019s daughter. When duty calls, Clary gets a little reprieve from the family drama as she helps Alec and Isabelle hunt down a powerful demon. But what starts out as a routine mission quickly puts the Institute on high alert, and what happens next will change everything for the Shadowhunters and their Downworlder friends. Meanwhile, Jocelyn has a proposition for Clary as Raphael and Simon ramp up their hunt for Camille."
"After the recent attack on the Institute, the Shadowhunters are left devastated and wounded. Trying to regroup, each of the Shadowhunters deals with the situation their own way. Meanwhile, Simon moves home but finds it is not so easy to pull off his new life with his family around."
"To help get answers to what Valentine may be planning, Isabelle and Clary are sent on a mission to visit the Iron Sisters. Once there, more truths may be revealed than Izzy and Clary planned. On a mission of their own, Simon and Maia are determined to find Luke who is still missing after the demon attack at the Institute. Meanwhile, Magnus and Alec finally go on their first date."
"Luke\u2019s sister shows up at the Jade Wolf claiming innocence about the recent attack. But with Luke not trusting a word Cleo says, he finds himself at odds with Clary who sees an opportunity to get to Valentine. Yet how far will Clary go to prove she is right about Cleo? Meanwhile, Simon gets dating advice from a surprising source as Isabelle takes a dangerous path."
"Tasked with arranging his brother Max\u2019s Rune Ceremony, Alex decides this would be the perfect opportunity for his family to get to know Magnus. But with tensions flying among the different Shadowhunters, Max\u2019s big event quickly becomes an evening where they all must face their biggest fears. Meanwhile, Simon makes a bold move as Isabelle finds an unlikely new ally."
"With word getting out that Clary is a key part of Valentine\u2019s plan, the Downworlders are at odds on how to handle the issue. But when Iris activates her blood oath, Clary has more to worry about than hiding from Valentine and the Downworlders. Meanwhile, Isabelle and Raphael get closer as Alec tries to figure out what\u2019s going on with his sister."
"The New York Institute is under attack as Valentine\u2019s plan for The Soul Sword is getting dangerously close to coming to fruition. The Shadowhunters must act fast to save their loved ones and the rest of the Downworld. Meanwhile, some of the Downworlders have their own plan to stop Valentine and their target is Clary."
"Shadowhunters and Downworlders pick up the pieces after Valentine's attack; Jace carries a heavy burden; a greater demon is loose in Manhattan; Izzy encounters a mysterious stranger; Simon tries to understand his new Daylighter status."
"Clary feels pressured between choosing Jace or Simon. Izzy settles things with Raphael. Sebastian breaks his father out of prison."
"After several Shadowhunters are killed, The Institute turns to controversial methods to prevent a Downworlder uprising."
"Alec has big plans to mend fences with the Downworlders, while Jace and Clary are summoned by the Seelie Queen."
"Simon goes down a dark path while Alec and team prepares to transport Valentine."
"With everything that Simon has gone through this past year, a family dinner for Yom Kippur \u2013 the Jewish Day of Atonement \u2013 poses as a real challenge. How can he come clean about being a vampire and especially about what just happened to his family? And if he is stressed out, what if he can\u2019t control his vampire urges? Looking to take care of this himself, Maia insists on helping him out whether he likes it or not. Meanwhile, Clary and Jace go on an unsanctioned mission and test out their newfound rune powers."
"With two of the three Mortal Instruments missing, everyone is on the hunt for the last one \u2013 The Mortal Mirror. Jace and Clary are on the hunt to recover it first before it could fall into enemy hands. But along the way, Clary realizes that her brother Jonathan may be closer than she thought. Meanwhile, Isabelle has a hard time accepting the fact that her little brother Max is growing up, and Maia struggles to bring her guard down with Simon."
"After a devastating attack at The Institute, everyone is on high alert as the Shadowhunters close in on their hunt for Jonathan; Simon and Maia help a new Downworlder as the Seelie Queen demands an answer from Magnus and Luke."
"After centuries of being lied to and treated poorly by The Clave, the Downworlders decide to come together and take matters into their own hands as the hunt for Valentine and Sebastian intensifies. But what starts off as a way to preserve their own, the Downworlders choice to break with the Shadowhunters, could quickly escalate to war."
"Jace and Clary rush to make a final stand, but when a traitor is revealed, Jace and Clary may have a bigger fight on their hands than expected. Meanwhile, Alec and Izzy must fight off a large mass of demons that have unexpectedly shown up, as Luke and Simon head to the Seelie Court to deal with some unfinished business with the Seelie Queen."
Season 3 - Shadowhunters
"Secrets abound as the Shadowhunters and Downworlders try to get back to normal after Valentine's death. Clary struggles with keeping her secret about Raziel's wish, while Alec pushes Jace to come clean about whatever Jace and Clary are hiding. Luke must use tough love to keep his secret hidden from Ollie who is on a war path for answers. And Magnus hides his true feelings about his new position in the Warlock community from Alec. Meanwhile, Lilith sets a plan in motion in New York City as Simon spend stime in the Seelie Court."
"The Warlocks\u2019 magic is becoming corrupted by a demonic presence while Izzy and Luke try to track down more information on the recent series of possessions."
"The Shadowhunters try to track down the new imposing threat, while Jace has a suspicion that Jonathan is back and behind the mundane attacks. Simon tries to figure out what The Seelie Queen did to him during his time in the glade. Alec decides to host a Lightwood family dinner at Magnus\u2019 house after a surprising visit from Maryse."
"Jace\u2019s concerns grow about his mental state and turns to Luke for information on his family\u2019s past. Clary and Izzy go after a rogue vampire and Simon hunts for a new apartment."
"Someone is out to get Simon and Jace is on the hunt to find out who it is, meanwhile Clary turns to Luke to find a way to help Jace. Alec worries about the future of his relationship after learning more about Magnus\u2019 romantic past."
"Clary teams up with Magnus to investigate a recent demon attack. Simon is stunned with he\u2019s visited by someone he never thought he\u2019d see again, and who now won\u2019t seem to leave. Meanwhile, Izzy worries about dinner with her family and a special guest and Luke reaches out to Maryse."
"With the Owl's identity revealed, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary head to Alicante to try and find a way to stop him. Luke and Simon team up to track Lilith's latest possible victim. Maia reflects on her past."
"Magnus, Alec and Isabelle try to reach Jace inside The Owl, but even as powerful as Magnus is, can he help the Lightwoods retrieve their brother from his demon prison? Maia and Jordan join Simon on the hunt for Lilith, while Luke tries to find a way to get to Clary."
"Clary faces down an old foe in an attempt to find answers about Lilith\u2019s plan. Alec and Magnus turn to Lorenzo Rey for help, while Lilith finds a new ally. Luke must choose between his pack and his family, as Simon is forced to deal with his past."
"In the climactic mid-season finale, the team scrambles to find a way to put a stop to Lilith\u2019s plan coming to fruition. But going up against their biggest opponent yet, their odds are not looking good. Meanwhile, Simon makes a heartbreaking choice with Isabelle\u2019s help and Magnus reconnects with a powerful person from his past."
"With the loss of Clary after Lilith\u2019s apartment exploded, Alec, Isabelle and Jace try to come to terms with what has happened. Glad to have their brother back, Alec and Isabelle are still worried about Jace, who is taking the actions of The Owl very hard. Magnus is also mourning the loss of his magic and finds himself in a new position\u2014having to rely on others for help. Meanwhile, Maia tries to help a devastated Simon who has lost his family and his best friend. But unknown to everyone, Clary is alive and finds herself in a new and dangerous predicament."
"Simon is determined to get rid of the Mark of Cain and, with Isabelle\u2019s help, tries to track down New York\u2019s oldest vampire to get more information on the mark. Now in Paris, Clary desperately tries to find an escape from her current situation. Meanwhile, with his new sense of mortality, Magnus tries to live life to the very fullest."
"Jordan and the Praetor try to track down Heidi, while the Shadowhunters try to locate Jonathan. Meanwhile, Luke looks to Maryse for help and Isabelle gets a possible lead on information on what is really going on in the Clave prisons."
"Continuing to track down information on the rumors about misconduct at The Clave\u2019s downworlder prison, Isabelle asks Alec for help. Meanwhile, Magnus succumbs to asking Lorenzo for a favor and Jace takes Clary on a special date."
"As the saying goes, \u201crules are made to be broken.\u201d But what if the rules are there for a reason? Several members of the team must examine the reasoning behind certain rules after consequences to questionable actions come to light. Whether the rules were broken because of love, loyalty or revenge, does the end justify the means?"
"Clary and Jace come up with a risky plan to get rid of her twinning rune, which may bring an old enemy back into the fray. Meanwhile, Alec is worried about Magnus."
"Simon and Izzy team up on a secret mission to figure out what the Clave is hiding. Meanwhile, Clary is conflicted about Jonathan as the Shadowhunters try to get answers."
"A demon outbreak in New York City on Halloween becomes a top priority at the Institute, but as the Shadowhunters hunt the demons, Jace becomes more worried about Clary. Meanwhile, Alec has to juggle the outbreak with his deep concern about Magnus\u2019 depression."
"To try and save Clary from Jonathan, Jace goes undercover. Back at the Institute, Isabelle, Simon and Luke race to find a way to finally destroy Clary\u2019s bond with Jonathan. With time running out, can Isabelle create the solution before Jace\u2019s cover is blown?"
"Alec, Jace and Isabelle make a plan to finally get Clary back and stop Jonathan\u2014much to Luke\u2019s and Simon\u2019s chagrin. Meanwhile, an emotionally raw Magnus struggles to deal with his father\u2019s reappearance and Maia must make a tough decision that could affect the rest of her life."
"Clary comes up with a plan that will bring Shadowhunters and Downworlders together, as Alec struggles for a way to help Magnus."
"Jonathan begins his reign of vengeful terror as the Shadowhunters try to find a way to stop him. With only one hope, Clary must make a sacrifice that could have long-lasting implications for all. Meanwhile, wedding bells are in the air for one special couple."