Star Trek: Voyager

"Charting the new frontier"

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is 75 years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 45m

Release: 1995

Rating: 7.8

Season 1 - Star Trek: Voyager
"Stardate: 48315.6\n\nWhile in pursuit of a Maquis ship in a region of space known as the 'Badlands', Captain Kathryn Janeway and her crew aboard Voyager and the Maquis ship are transported 70,000 light years from home into the uncharted region of the galaxy known as the Delta Quadrant."
"Stardate: 48351.6\n\nWhile in pursuit of a Maquis ship in a region of space known as the 'Badlands', Captain Kathryn Janeway and her crew aboard Voyager and the Maquis ship are transported 70,000 light years from home into the uncharted region of the galaxy known as the Delta Quadrant."
"Stardate: 48439.7\n\nAs the Maquis crewmembers begin to integrate themselves into the Starfleet crew, Voyager becomes trapped in a quantum singularity."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nAfter being hit by the shockwave of a devastating planet-wide explosion, Voyager investigates. While on the surface, Janeway and Paris are accidentally 'shifted' one day into the past."
"Stardate: 48532.4\n\nDuring an away mission in the search for dilithium crystals, Neelix is attacked and his lungs are surgically removed by a disease-ridden race of aliens known as the Vidiians. His only hope for survival is if the crew of Voyager can get them back."
"Stardate: 48546.2\n\nIn the search for omicron particles to boost the ship's energy supplies, Voyager inadvertently injures a space-faring life form."
"Stardate: 48579.4\n\nThe discovery of a wormhole leading to the Alpha Quadrant elates the crew, however, their only contact within range is a skeptical and paranoid Romulan."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nTom Paris is accused of a murder he claims he did not commit. His sentence is to re-live the last few moments of his victim's life every 14 hours through a memory transplant."
"Stardate: 48623.5\n\nWhile investigating an asteroid belt containing a new element, Harry Kim is pulled into a 'subspace vacuole' and switched with a dead body. Soon after the body is revived the crew learn that the asteroid belt is the graveyard of an alien culture that transports its dead in the belief that they evolve into a higher state of consciousness. Harry's appearance on the homeworld begins to raise questions about the existence of their afterlife."
"Stardate: 48642.5\n\nHarry Kim discovers advanced technology when a race of aliens known as the Sikarans offer shore leave to the crew of Voyager. This would send Voyager 40,000 light years closer to home, however, the Sikarians' \"Canon of Laws\" forbids them from sharing their technology with anyone."
"Stardate: 48658.2\n\nWhen stolen Federation technology is found on a severely damaged Kazon Nistrim ship, Seska becomes the prime suspect. The evidence is further reinforced when questions arise regarding her true heritage."
"Stardate: 48693.2\n\nHarry Kim disappears from the holodeck during his holo-novel, \"Beowulf.\" According to the characters, he died at the hands of a mystical beast known as \"Grendel\". When Chakotay and Tuvok also disappear, the Doctor is transferred to the holodeck to investigate."
"Stardate: 48734.2\n\nAfter Chakotay and Tuvok are injured in a shuttle accident, a non-corporeal life form begins to wreak havoc on Voyager by infiltrating the minds of the crew and altering the ship's systems one by one."
"Stardate: 48784.2\n\nThe Vidiians capture Paris, Torres and Durst while on an away mission. Torres is taken to a lab and 'split' into two people: one human, and one Klingon."
"Stardate: 48832.1\n\nThe man, who designed the weapon that destroyed all life on the moon of his home world, including that of his family, diagnoses Neelix with a fatal illness."
"Stardate: 48846.5\n\nIn order to bring some rebellious Maquis crewmembers into line, Tuvok gives them a Starfleet Academy crash course."
Season 2 - Star Trek: Voyager
"Stardate: 48975.1\n\nAfter discovering a 1936 Ford truck from Earth floating in space Voyager discovers a series of cryo-statis chambers containing abductees from Earth during the 1930's, including Amelia Earhart and her navigator."
"Stardate: 49005.3\n\nA young Kazon trying to earn his name and place among his people kidnaps Chakotay."
"Stardate: 48892.1\n\nWhen the Doctor is activated during a Red Alert, he learns that the ship has been abandoned, and that only B'Elanna Torres and an injured Captain Janeway are left on board. Soon afterwards, Lt. Barclay appears and tells him that his entire time on Voyager is an elaborate simulation, and he's really a holo-engineer by the name of Zimmerman on Jupiter station in the Alpha Quadrant, who has been trapped on a holodeck for six hours. If he does not destroy Voyager's warp core and end the program soon he will die."
"Stardate: 48921.3\n\nWhen the crew of Voyager investigate a cluster of space-borne life forms, Kes is forced into a stage in her life known as the 'Elogium.' This is the only time in her life when she can have a family."
"Stardate: 49011\n\nHarry Kim arises one morning to find he is back in San Francisco on Earth with his girlfriend Libby. In order to help him restore reality, he enlists the help of a shady figure in France by the name of Tom Paris, who has no idea who Harry is."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nA spatial distortion ring begins to reconfigure the internal layout of Voyager. With the crew unable to get to vital systems, and the captain injured after coming into contact with the anomaly, the ship is slowly twisted as the ring implodes and endangers the crew."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nWhen Neelix and Paris find themselves trapped on a planet dubbed 'Planet Hell', they become the unwilling parents of an infant alien that is near death. In the meantime, a ship appears and begins attacking Voyager."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nCaptain Janeway starts seeing characters and objects from her holo-novel around the ship. Soon afterwards the crew begins entering a catatonic state one by one, while only Kes and the Doctor remain unaffected."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nUpon discovering a cultural symbol drawn in the ground on a planet that was used by his ancestors to 'heal the land', Chakotay tries to contact the beings his tribe called the 'Sky Spirits.'"
"Stardate: 49164.8\n\nThe crew of Voyager make contact with the Caretaker's mate, Suspiria. Kes meets with the descendants of other Ocampa on Suspiria's array that left the homeworld over 300 years ago. Soon, her mental abilities begin to grow to a point where she can no longer control them, and nearly kills Tuvok in the process."
"After the Kazon steal some Federation technology Chakotay goes after them on his own and is captured."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nTuvok and B'Elanna are captured and imprisoned after an away mission to obtain a chemical vital to Voyager's systems from a black market go wrong. Janeway is knocked unconscious and is rescued by a man who believes that she is his daughter."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nAfter finding and repairing a robot found drifting in space, B'Elanna is abducted and forced to design a new prototype or Voyager will be destroyed."
"Janeway tries to make an alliance with a Kazon sect for their own protection and so they can continue their journey through the Delta Quadrant."
"After finding a type of dilithium that can survive at a higher temperatures, Tom Paris comes up with the ingenious idea of attempting to cross the transwarp threshold in an attempt to find a way to get home faster. After a bumpy start and the help of Torres and Kim, they succeed in a holodeck simulation. When it is presented to Captain Janeway, she is impressed and gives them the go ahead to try it, but traveling faster than warp 10 has never before been attempted. The first run goes very well. Tom Paris manages to cross the warp threshold which means that the shuttle craft in which he is traveling exists simultaneously everywhere. But Tom then disappears and Harry is unable to find him anywhere within five parsecs. Tom somehow manages to return to Voyager through subspace, but there are unforeseen side-effects of his transwarp travel and Tom begins to mutate. The doctor tries to treat him with a type of radiation that will prohibit cell mutation, however this fails and Tom dies. To the Doctor's surprise, Paris is able to regenerate himself and wakes up a couple of hours later with two hearts! His body continues mutating, with new organs growing and others being absorbed back in to his body. Tom refuses any treatment, saying that this is the best thing that ever happened to him but deep down he is scared. A cure is found by exposing Tom to highly focused anti-proton radiation to destroy all the new DNA and allowing his original DNA to reassert itself. However, Tom breaks free from his restraints, kidnaps Captain Janeway, takes the shuttle craft to transwarp. Captain Janeway's DNA goes through the same mutagenic process as Tom's. When Voyager catches up with them on an alien planet three days later, Paris and Janeway have devolved millions of years and have mated, producing three offspring. Commander Chakotay recovers Paris and Janeway but makes the decision to leave their offspring on the otherwise unpopulated planet."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nIn order to help out Lon Suder, a psychopath who killed a crewmember, Tuvok performs a mind meld. Soon after he begins showing violent tendencies, which develop until he loses control."
"Stardate: 49447\n\nWhen Voyager encounters a Cardassian missile ship in the Delta Quadrant named 'Dreadnought', B'Elanna must disarm it before it destroys a planet with millions of innocent people."
"Stardate:49301.2\n\nA suicidal Q threatens the future of the Q-Continuum after he requests asylum aboard Voyager."
"Stardate: 46504.3\n\nAfter receiving a Vidiian patient who is about to die from the Phage, the doctor transfers her consciousness into the ship's computer and creates a holographic body. He soon finds himself becoming deeply attracted to her."
"Stardate: 49485.2\n\nAfter weeks of erratic behavior, Tom Paris leaves Voyager and joins a Talaxian convoy."
"Stardate: 49548.7\n\nAn accident in a plasma cloud duplicates Voyager after they are attacked by the Vidiians. During the aftermath, the ship is severely damaged, Ensign Wildman's baby dies and Harry Kim is sucked into space through a hull breach."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nWhen Tuvok crashes on a moon, he discovers three small children who believe they are about to die."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nThe crew of Voyager encounters a planet that has recently entered an ice age. They discover a series of stasis chambers where a small group of people are mentally connected to an artificial environment that turned horribly wrong."
"Stardate: 49655.2\n\nA transporter accident merges Tuvok and Neelix into one new being who calls himself 'Tuvix.'"
"Stardate: 49690.1\n\nWhen Captain Janeway and Chakotay contract an incurable virus they are left on a planet that shield them from its effects. While Janeway searches for a cure, she begins to form a deeper relationship with her first officer. Onboard Voyager, Tuvok, who is now in command, faces a near mutiny."
"Stardate: Unknown.\n\nVoyager receives a distress signal from Seska, who claims that Maje Cullah is going to take her baby away from her, a baby she says is Chakotay's. Chakotay is skeptical, but can't take the risk of abandoning his child, should it really prove to be his.\n\nJaneway authorises a mission to rescue Chakotay's child and the ship moves deep into Kazon Nistrim territory. However: was Seska for real, or is this all an elaborate trap?"
Season 3 - Star Trek: Voyager
"Stardate: 50023.4\n\nVoyager is captured by the Kazon and the crew are dumped on a planet in its early stages of evolution. As only Tom Paris and Lon Suder have evaded capture, it's up to them and the EMH to come up with a plan to retake the ship."
"Stardate: 50126.4\n\nAfter falling ill to what appears to be a repressed memory Tuvok must perform a mind-meld with Captain Janeway in order to survive. The meld takes them back to when Tuvok was a junior science officer aboard the U.S.S. Excelsior under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu."
"Stardate: 50156.2\n\nParis and Kim are sent to an Akritian prison after being accused of a terrorist bombing."
"Stardate: 50252.3\n\nVoyager encounters a region of space owned by a mysterious race of aliens that would take 15 months to go around. Upon crossing the boundaries, a swarm of ships attach themselves to Voyager's hull - an act which drains the ship's power supplies and threatens to destroy it."
"Stardate: 50074.3\n\nA pair of Ferengi is found masquerading as Gods to a culture still in its Bronze Age. It is discovered that they had arrived through the Barzan Wormhole, which leads back to the Alpha Quadrant, however, its Delta Quadrant end is highly unstable and always moving."
"Stardate: 50203.1\n\nAfter Voyager encounter a telepathic species, B'Elanna starts having powerful dreams that depict the life of a woman and her lover in a time of great political and social upheaval."
"Stardate: 50063.2\n\nCaptain Janeway has to undergo a rigorous ritual in order to save Kes' life when she is knocked unconscious."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nBoth Voyager and a 29th century Federation Timeship, the Aeon are pulled back in time to Earth in the late 20th century. The Timeship Aeon crashes in Arizona during the 1960's, while Voyager appears in orbit around Earth during 1996."
"Stardate: 50312.5\n\nWhile trying to rescue Paris and Tuvok, Torres and Chakotay are captured by a gang of weapons smugglers who believe that they are from the government."
"Stardate: 50348.1\n\nAn injured alien named Tieran transfers his consciousness into Kes' mind moments before he dies. He then gains control over her and begins using her abilities to steal a shuttlecraft and return to his home world to attempt a political coup."
"Stardate: 50384.2\n\nVoyager encounters several supernova in a small region of space. Time soon reveals that it is the after effects of a civil war within the Q-Continuum. Q appears and believes that the solution to the problem is for him to produce a child, and his mate of choice is Captain Kathryn Janeway. Matters are complicated when a jealous female Q appears claiming that Q was her boyfriend."
"After returning from a first contact mission, Janeway, Neelix and the Doctor must retake Voyager from an infestation of microorganisms that grow to an alarming size."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nVoyager encounters a region of space named the Nekrit Expanse. Since Neelix has no knowledge about the space after this point, he tries to make himself feel useful to the crew by trying to obtain a map from an old friend named Wixiban, who uses him as a courier for illegal substances."
"Stardate: 50460.3\n\nEnsign Kim asks Tuvok to teach him Vulcan emotional control techniques when he falls in love with a holodeck character named Marayna. Kim soon becomes jealous when he sees Tuvok interacting with her behind his back as she tries to seduce him."
"Stardate: 50518.6\n\nCaptain Janeway repeatedly dies after she and Chakotay crash into a planet in what appears to be a time loop. Soon, her deceased father appears and tells her that she is dead and must accept her situation and move on."
"Stardate: 50537.2\n\nEnsign Vorik expresses his desire to mate with B'Elanna during his Pon-Farr. After they get in a brawl over the matter, Torres begins showing signs of the Pon-Farr herself."
"Stardate: 50614.2\n\nDuring an away mission, Chakotay discovers a Federation hailing signature coming from an alien planet. After landing, he learns that all is not peaceful, and those helping him have not been entirely honest about their true origins."
"Stardate: 50693.2\n\nWhen the doctor tries to improve his personality by incorporating the psychological profiles of famous and historical people, he is overwhelmed by their dark sides and begins exhibiting signs of a split personality, one the regular doctor, and the other dark and evil. Kes asks to leave Voyager when they encounter a race with vast knowledge of the region of space they are currently exploring."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nNeelix is pushed to the limits when Tuvok's attitude becomes too much to bear while the pair is on an away mission to help evacuate a Nezu planet, which is being bombarded with asteroids."
"Stardate: 50732.4\n\nHarry Kim experiences strong senses of deja vu in an unknown region of space. He soon learns that he is native to this region and that he is T'Karian, not human."
"Stardate: 50973\n\nKes begins traveling backwards through time from the moment of her death. With each shift, she comes closer to a solution but she also grows months and years younger at a time."
"Stardate: 50863.2\n\nThe Doctor decides he should create a holographic family in order to expand himself. When B'Elanna is disgusted by its unrealistic perfectionism, she alters the program to include random events and outcomes with interesting and devastating results."
"Stardate: Unknown\n\nAn alien paleontologist discovers a common ancestral link between his people and humans. He believes that this proves that his people (the Voth) evolved on Earth and migrated to the Delta Quadrant millions of years ago, but his government is not as willing to believe his interpretation of the evidence."
"Stardate: \t50912.4\n\nCrew members are replaced one-by-one with aliens from an unknown race."
"Stardate: \t50953.4\n\nB'Elanna Torres discovers a holodeck program where Chakotay and the Maquis rebel against Janeway."
"Stardate: 50984.3\n\nVoyager finally enters Borg space, only to discover a threat more powerful than the Borg themselves."
Season 4 - Star Trek: Voyager
"Stardate: 51003.7 - The crew of Voyager come up with a solution to the Borg's problem, and are willing to share it with them if they grant safe passage to the ship and its crew. In order to help with the negotiations, the Borg send over a drone designated Seven of Nine as a representative of the collective."
"Stardate: Unknown - Kes' telekinetic powers grow to such a point where she can no longer control them. In order to prevent Voyager from being destroyed, she must leave the ship."
"Stardate: Unknown - When B'Elanna faces the Klingon Day of Honor she must retrieve the warp core with Tom Paris, which Voyager had ejected. When the shuttle is attacked, B'Elanna and Tom are left floating adrift in space in environmental suits. Believing they are about to die, B'Elanna does the only honorable thing she can do, and reveals her true feelings towards Tom."
"Stardate: 51082.4 - Chakotay is stranded on a planet where two races are trying to wipe each other out in a massive, planet-wide war."
"Stardate: 51186.2 - When Seven of Nine and Kim work together in the new Astrometrics Lab, Seven interprets Kim's attitude towards her as a romantic invitation, and Seven is keen to explore her new feelings."
"Stardate: Unknown - When Seven of Nine believes that she is being contacted by the Borg, she leaves Voyager only to discover the remains of a cube that she believes was the vessel on which she was first assimilated as a little girl."
"Stardate: 51244.3 - When the crew begins suffering from stranger illnesses with each passing hour, Seven of Nine is the only one who is able to expose the threat to the crew."
"Stardate: 51268.4 - Voyager comes under attack from a Krenim Temporal Ship that alters the course of evolution by wiping out entire species from the timeline."
"Stardate: 51425.4 - With most of the crew having abandoned Voyager and only a skeleton crew remaining, the crew realize that to stop the Krenim ship from altering history any further, they need allies. They soon realize that the price of history is higher than any of them could have possibly imagined."
"Stardate: 51367.2 - The crew takes shore leave on a planet inhabited by a telepathic species that have forbidden all violent thoughts and actions. B'Elanna is arrested when she thinks of retaliation to an incident, but a surprising discovery is made when Tuvok starts investigating."
"Stardate: 51386.4 - When pirates steal some of Voyager's technology, Janeway and Tuvok search their home world and discover her holographic Leonardo Da Vinci who helps them in their search."
"Stardate: 51449.2 - Neelix is killed during an away mission, but is revived when Seven of Nine modifies Borg technology to revive him. Soon, he begins to question all that he has been taught about the afterlife."
"Stardate: 51471.3 - The crew is 'attacked' by a species of alien that live in the human dream state. It is up to Chakotay, with extensive knowledge about the dream state, to save the ship and its crew."
"Stardate: Unknown - The crew discover an ancient communications relay that extents to the Alpha Quadrant. They are able to send the Doctor through to a Federation ship at the other end, the experimental U.S.S. Prometheus, only to discover that it has been taken over by Romulans."
"Stardate: 51501.4 - Voyager starts receiving messages from Starfleet through the communications network, now that they know that the crew is alive in the Delta Quadrant. Some bad news is received by some of the crew, particularly Captain Janeway among others. After a short while, the messages become lodged in one of the modules, and the crew must retrieve them. Shortly, they are crudely introduced to a new enemy, the Hirogen, who seek nothing more than to kill victims for the thrill of the hunt, and Voyager is their next target."
"Stardate: 51652.3 - When Voyager encounters a disabled Hirogen ship with a wounded Hirogen aboard, Captain Janeway beams him aboard. Soon, the prey being hunted by this particular Hirogen, a member of Species 8472, boards the ship. The only immediate solution is to let the Hirogen loose on the ship to attack it prey."
"Stardate: 51658.2 - While re-fitting Voyager's systems with newly traded weapons, Seven of Nine claims to have been assaulted by Kovin, the weapons dealer. The Doctor soon makes a surprising discovery about the situation."
"Stardate: Unknown - When the Hirogen capture and board Voyager they discover that the holodeck can be used to improve the hunt by putting the prey through different situations and locations. In one situation, Captain Janeway, Torres, Tuvok and Seven of Nine are members of the French resistance in occupied France with the Hirogen in roles as Nazi SS Officers. Since the crew was implanted with subdermal transmitters, they have no idea that this is on the holodeck, and they think it's real. It is up to the Doctor in sickbay who is forced to heal the injured to disable the devices and help the crew escape."
"Stardate: 51715.2 - The crew must find a way to defeat the Hirogen and reclaim Voyager."
"Stardate: 51762.4 - An alien test pilot who has the capability of switching bodies manages to take Tom's place aboard Voyager in order to escape the law."
"Stardate: 51781.2 - Voyager is forced out of warp by the detection of a dangerous and powerful particle called 'Omega' which only Janeway and Seven of Nine know about on board the ship. Due to the nature of the particle, only Starfleet Captains are informed and are ordered to destroy it at all costs, as it has the power to destroy subspace. Janeway must enlist the help of the senior crew on a need-to-know basis in order to destroy it safely."
"An alien woman who requests asylum on board Voyager claims that she was onboard the ship a month ago, and she fell in love with Chakotay."
"Stardate: Unknown - 700 years into the future the Doctor must defend the crew of Voyager and set history straight when an alien race claims that the Warship Voyager was responsible for war crimes commited against their race."
"Stardate: Unknown - In search of the vital chemical deuterium essential to Voyager's energy supplies, they discover a 'Demon' planet with reserves large enough to replenish the ship. Ensign Kim and Tom Paris take a shuttlecraft down to the planet's surface in environmental suits. Soon they are found on the planet with no suits, and the ship's atmosphere becomes poisonous to them."
"Stardate: 51929.3 - When Voyager encounters a deadly radioactive nebula, Captain Janeway decides to save time by going through it and placing the crew in protective stasis with only Seven of Nine and the Doctor left to protect the ship. Seven soon starts experiencing hallucinations when an alien wants to trade vital supplies."
"Stardate: 51978.2 - An alien translator by the name of Arturis is able to finally decode the Starfleet message received by Voyager five months ago. It tells them to go to a new type of ship waiting for them with an engine system faster than warp drive, which is capable of bringing them home within three months."
Season 5 - Star Trek: Voyager
"Stardate: 52081.2 - Voyager comes to the aid of a warring species as Captain Janeway reflects on the decisions she has made during their time in the Delta Quadrant and their outcomes."
"A transporter accident merges some of Seven Of Nine's Borg nanoprobes with the Doctor's 29th Century holo-emitter to create a 29th Century super-Borg."
"In order to retrieve a probe stuck in a hazardous atmosphere, Tom Paris designs a new type of shuttlecraft named the 'Delta Flyer'. Torres begins to exhibit reckless behavior by engaging in dangerous holodeck programs."
"The crew of Voyager discover a simulation of Starfleet Headquarters being run by Species 8472 being used to practice launching an assault on the Alpha Quadrant. With the aid of regular doses of drugs, Species 8472 are able to shape-shift into human form."
"While Voyager searches for the crew of the crashed Delta Flyer carrying Tuvok, Paris and Ensign Wildman, Neelix must keep Naomi occupied. When it is discovered that Samantha is badly injured, he must decide how much he should tell her daughter."
"Voyager uses new quantum slipstream technology in an attempt to get home, but a miscalculation causes the ship to crash into an ice planet. Fifteen years later, the sole survivors, Chakotay and Kim, steal the Delta Flyer in an attempt to send a message back in time and avert the disaster, however, Geordi LaForge (from The Next Generation, but now a captain), who commands the Galaxy-class USS Challenger, is determined to stop them at all costs.-"
"After encountering a piece of Borg technology known as a Vinculum which connects drone's minds together, Seven of Nine begins exhibiting the personalities of people that she assimilated as a member of the collective. Soon, they become so strong that they may overwhelm Seven's own personality."
"When an alien attaches itself to B'Elanna's nervous system, the Doctor enlists the help of a holographic recreation of the Cardassian Dr. Crell Mossett. She refuses all treatment when the Bajoran crew informs her that this doctor was responsible for sadistic war crimes during the occupation."
"When Voyager encounters a planet entirely of water they discover that the forcefield maintaining its integrity is breaking down. Tom Paris directly disobeys orders in an attempt to save the planet, which results in him being demoted to Ensign and placed in the brig for thirty days."
"While traveling through Devore space, Captain Janeway must hide all telepaths on board in transporter stasis as telepathy is illegal under Devore law. After Voyager is repeatedly searched, the leader of the investigations requests asylum and wishes to defect."
"The Doctor discovers that his short-term memory has been altered with some events being deleted, so he launches an investigation into whom or what could be responsible. When he sets a trap and the culprit is caught, he is shocked at who it is and why they're doing it."
"Photonic energy life forms mistake the characters in Tom's holonovel for real people. The holodeck characters interpret this as an attack, and soon Dr. Chaotica tries to wipe them out. The only person that can stop him is Captain Janeway in the role of Queen Arachnia of the Spider People."
"When Tuvok, Paris and the Doctor are pulled into a planet by its intense gravity and crash, they wait to be rescued. From their perspective, many weeks have passed with no contact from Voyager, while on board, only a few hours have passed as they plan a rescue attempt."
"The discovery of a wormhole leading directly to Earth elates the crew beyond belief, but Seven Of Nine remains unconvinced that this is real. To help her cause, she recruits Naomi Wildman, the Doctor and an alien pilot named Qatai to stop the ship from entering."
"Stardate: 52619.2 - After defeating a Borg ship, Captain Janeway decides to launch an attack on another damaged Sphere to steal a trans-warp coil. However, as the crew prepare for their heist, the Borg Queen is secretly aware of the entire plan."
"After defeating a Borg ship, Captain Janeway decides to launch an attack to steal a trans-warp coil to shorten Voyager's journey home. The Borg detect her plan, and access Seven Of Nine's neural transceiver to deliver an ultimatum: re-join the collective or the ship and its crew will be assimilated. If she agrees, the ship will be guaranteed safe passage through Borg space."
"Without medical clearance, Kim becomes involved in a love affair with a member of the Varo species. Problems arise when they become biochemically interdependent after the incident."
"After Paris and Torres tie the knot, the ship and its crew start to disintegrate on the molecular level."
"While boxing on the holodeck, Chakotay is contacted by a telepathic species. However, prolonged communication may leave him insane or braindead."
"Voyager is ambushed by a race known as the Hazari with no way of escape. Soon, an alien 'Think Tank' arrives with an answer to the ship's problem and all they ask in return is Seven of Nine."
"After encountering a damaged Malon freighter, a repair crew from Voyager tries to contain a toxic chemical leak that threatens a nearby inhabited planet. Before they embark on the mission, two crewmen from the ship warn them about the 'Angel of Decay' that wreaks havoc on board the ship."
"The Doctor tries to introduce Seven of Nine to the concept of dating. After a disastrous first date the Doctor personally guides her, but he soon realises that he is falling in love with her."
"Captain Janeway relates the story of her distant ancestor Shannon O'Donnell during the construction of the Millennium Gate on Earth during New Year's Eve 1999. She must convince the last holdout, local bookstore owner Henry Janeway to approve the plan."
"When Voyager is destroyed, Captain Braxton of the 29th Century Timeship Relativity contacts Seven of Nine to travel back in time and discover who planted the 'temporal disruptor.' However, she must do this without being discovered by the past Janeway."
"After Kim beams an alien missile onboard Voyager it links up to the Doctor's systems and requests that it is allowed to complete its mission of mass destruction."
"Voyager encounters another Federation starship, the Equinox, commanded by Captain Ransom, which was also abducted by the Caretaker. However, a terrible secret is exposed by the Doctor and Captain Ransom steals Voyager's technology along with Seven of Nine and the Doctor as hostages."
Season 6 - Star Trek: Voyager
"The crew of Voyager must find a way to save Captain Janeway and Seven of Nine."
"Stardate: 53049.2 - Seven of Nine discovers that she was previously freed from the collective along with a few others, and that she was responsible for their re-assimilation. They now wish to be restored to their individuality, but it may cost them their lives, as well as Seven's."
"During a near-death experience, B'Elanna finds herself aboard the Klingon Death Barge, a spectral vessel which transports dishonoured souls to Grethnor. After seeing her mother there, B'Elanna risks her life to go back and save her mother's soul from this fate, even at the cost of her own."
"The Doctor programs himself with the ability to daydream. When an alien spy gains access to the Doctor's visions he mistakes them for reality."
"Tom Paris persuades Chakotay to allow him to buy a shuttle from a junkyard. While repairing it, the shuttle, named 'Alice', begins to gain control over Tom's mind."
"Tuvok is attacked by an energy source, which leaves him exposed and vulnerable. He soon starts experiencing emotions he never had before."
"The ship is placed in danger when it comes under attack from a territorial race of aliens known as the Turei. While sheltering on a planet, Captain Janeway tries to make an alliance with its inhabitants, the Vaadwaur. However, she soon begins to think that the Vaadwaur may pose a bigger threat than the enemy above."
"Voyager searches for a long-lost Mars spacecraft."
"A data-overloaded Seven of Nine starts spreading rumours of a mutiny and insurrection when the ship encounters an alien race who have technology that can catapult the ship light-years closer to home and cut years off their journey."
"An obsessed Barclay tries to find a way to communicate with the starship Voyager with the use of an artificially generated micro-wormhole. He becomes so involved that he needs the help of Counsellor Troi to keep his grip on reality."
"As the crew enjoys time off in a holo-program created by Tom Paris, and set in an Irish village named 'Fair Haven,' Captain Janeway falls for a handsome holo-character specifically designed for her. A deadly neutrino wave approaching Voyager shortly bring the festivities to a halt as this wave may prove to be more dangerous than they first imagined."
"Voyager becomes the target of a society it inadvertently helped to create within a short period of time."
"When the Doctor's singing talents are discovered by a technologically superior race, his new found popularity makes him consider resigning his commission to stay on the alien world with his millions of adoring fans."
"The crew of Voyager experience vivid memories and dreams of a battle they don't remember having, with an enemy they have never encountered."
"Seven of Nine is forced into a competition for her life known as 'Tsunkatse,' when she and Tuvok are abducted from the Delta Flyer. If she refuses to fight, Tuvok will be refused the medical aid he needs to keep him from dying from the injuries he sustained from the crash."
"Borg children who were rejected by the Borg as unworthy drones abduct Chakotay, Kim, Neelix and Paris."
"The inhabitants of the holo-city of Fair Haven suspect the Voyager crew of having mystical powers when they witness the use of their futuristic technology."
"Ensign Lindsay Ballard returns to Voyager after being killed during a previous away mission. An alien race known as the Kobali, whose only method of reproduction is 'resurrection' of the dead through genetic engineering had revived her and taken her as a new member of their race. When the full extent of her new Kobali genes are activated, they reach a point where she must choose between her old home on the ship, or her new home with her adoptive Kobali family."
"Seven of Nine defends a child Borg drone whose parents come to reclaim him. The boy's parents plan on using him as a secret weapon as revenge on the Borg, even if it results in his death."
"Captain Janeway takes three crewmen with poor performance records on an away mission in the Delta Flyer in an attempt to bring them to Starfleet standards. However, an unexpected collision with a Dark Matter comet leaves the crew in a perilous situation."
"A group of con artists impersonate Captain Janeway and the crew of Voyager. The crew must find the imposters soon, or they, themselves will be punished for the con artists' crimes."
"An alien poet discovers an unconscious B'Elanna Torres after her crash landing in the Delta Flyer. However, this poet intends on using her in a play based on her life on Voyager to win favour with his Warlord."
"Kes returns to Voyager in a state of rage, blaming Captain Janeway for her past. Using her expanded Ocampan powers in a fit of revenge, she travels through time to deliver the crew to the Vidiians."
"News reaches Voyager through the up-and-running Pathfinder project that the Doctor's creator, Lewis Zimmerman, is critically ill. In an attempt to save his life, the Doctor's program is transmitted to the Alpha Quadrant, but once there, he finds Zimmerman does not want to be examined by an 'obsolete' EMH program."
"When Voyager encounters some engineering problems, Neelix keeps the Borg children entertained by telling the story of an adventure that the crew experienced several months ago, with the ghost that lives on deck twelve."
"Seven of Nine is led to a place known as Unimatrix Zero; a place where Borg drones are individuals for a short period of time during their regeneration. However, once their regeneration is complete, all recollection of the event is erased. Captain Janeway uses this to form a plan of attack that would create a mutiny from within the Collective."
Season 7 - Star Trek: Voyager
"Stardate: 54014.4 - The away team must infiltrate the Borg Collective and execute their plan to undermine them, even though it may destroy Unimatirix Zero forever."
"Stardate: 54129.4 - Rebi and Azan are reunited with their home worlds, and leave the crew of Voyager. Mezoti is offered the chance to stay with Rebi and Azan, and accepts their invitations to live with them. Seven of Nine is placed in a life-threatening situation when her Borg implants begin to malfunction. The only way she can survive is if they can find replacement parts from a living drone. With Icheb now the last of the remaining Borg children on the ship, he volunteers to offer his implants through a risky procedure that may cost both of their lives."
"Stardate: 54058.6 - Paris and Kim volunteer to enter a race that symbolises a peace treaty between four warring races. However, the race's peaceful intentions are undermined with plans of sabotage and murder. Torres feels she is nearing the end of her relationship with Paris. However, they work things out with surprising results."
"Stardate: 54090.4 - Former members of the Maquis fall victim to a spate of mysterious attacks on board Voyager. Tuvok is placed in charge of the investigations, and soon makes some remarkable discoveries."
"The Doctor is abducted from Voyager and forced to work in a hospital where patients are treated based on their social status."
"Stardate: 54208.3 - A hologram of Reginald Barclay is sent to Voyager bringing news that the ship can be returned home in a matter of hours through a 'geodesic fold.' However, the crew becomes suspicious of the holographic Barclay's intentions after seeing him exhibit strange behaviour."
"Stardate: 54283.3 - While in the Delta Flyer, the Doctor, Harry Kim and Seven of Nine come under attack for transporting a hologram through Lokirrim space - an act which is strictly forbidden. To hide the doctor, Seven of Nine downloads him into her cybernetic implants shortly before they are taken to a Lokirrim holding cell. On board Voyager, Tuvok enters Pon Farr."
"Stardate: 54274.7 - While Voyager stops for maintenance, Harry Kim, Seven and Neelix use the Delta Flyer to search for dilithium, when they come across a war between two alien races. After receiving a distress call from a damaged ship claiming to be on a humanitarian mission, Harry is offered his first chance at commanding a vessel of his own."
"Stardate: 54337.5 - The crew of Voyager find a Hirogen training facility, and discover that the hologram technology they gave the Hirogen several months ago was modified to the point where the Holograms are smarter and more cunning than their hunters. The Doctor is abducted by a band of holograms that escaped from the Hirogen facility and is asked to join them in forging a new life as independent 'photonic beings'. The crew of Voyager must ally themselves with the Hirogen to find the Doctor and re-capture the renegade Holograms. After a confrontation with the holograms' ship, Voyager is disabled and B'Elanna is abducted, with the Doctor's help, to aid the Holograms in their plight."
"Stardate: 54337.5 - Voyager secretly trails two Hirogen ships in pursuit of the renegade hologram ship. Iden, the band's self-appointed leader, begins showing signs of delusional behaviour when he considers himself as the 'saviour of his people', and believes that his people will worship him as a God in their new settlement. With Voyager and the Hirogen ships trailing close behind, the Doctor and Torres must find a way to disable the ships and the holograms before they come under attack from the Hirogen, and before Iden can execute his plan."
"After Voyager passes near a spatial rift, Chakotay is injured in Engineering, leaving his body in a state of temporal flux. After receiving treatment in sickbay, he inadvertently gains the ability to pass through rifts in time that are scattered throughout the ship, enabling him to walk into different stages of Voyager's history over the past seven years."
"Stardate: 54452.6 - After receiving the news that she is pregnant with Tom Paris' child, and after learning that the child will have dominant Klingon features, B'Elanna has flashbacks to when she was a child, remembering how difficult her life was because of her Klingon heritage."
"Voyager is placed in an ethical dilemma when they encounter a damaged transport ship carrying prisoners. It is revealed that some of the prisoners are being jailed because of their species, and the social misconceptions surrounding them."
"Stardate: 54518.2 - Voyager encounters a generational Klingon ship. When the crew of the ship beam over to Voyager after a warp core explosion, they believe that either B'Elanna, or her child is their saviour, as foreseen by their religious scrolls and prophecies."
"Stardate: 54553.4 - Voyager is pulled into an empty layer of subspace where ships are forced to attack each other and steal supplies for survival. Voyager's only hope for survival lies in forming alliances with other ships who wish to escape 'the Void'."
"Stardate: 54584.3 - The crew of Voyager carry out their normal lives as workers on an industrial planet called Quarra, totally unaware of their time on Voyager or their situation in the Delta Quadrant. Chakotay, Kim and Neelix, return from their trading mission on the Delta Flyer to find the ship abandoned and adrift in a nebula, with only the Doctor on board. The Doctor informs them that the ship fell into a trap which forced them to abandon ship in the escape pods, allowing them to be captured. The Doctor has heard nothing from them since. After going undercover on the planet, Chakotay, Kim, Neelix and the Doctor must now find a way to return the crew and restore their memories, while evading local authorities who have uncovered their plan."
"Stardate: 54622.4 - Chakotay must convince Janeway and the other crew members of their past lives on Voyager. Matters are complicated when Chakotay is exposed and taken for interrogation."
"When Seven tries to perfect her social skills on the holodeck, her hobby quickly becomes an obsession, which leads her to neglect her duties, placing Voyager in great danger."
"Stardate: 54704.5 - Q places his son in the care of Captain Janeway for a week, hoping that she will be able to teach him a sense of discipline. However, his powers and his recklessness endanger the crew and test Janeway's patience."
"Stardate: 54732.3 - A means of direct communication is established with Voyager allowing each crew member to speak with family and friends. The Doctor sends a holo-novel for publication based on a lost starship with a doctor who is treated like a slave, which causes controversy among the members of the ship."
"Stardate: 54775.4 - With regular communications to the Alpha Quadrant established, Starfleet send a mission to Voyager: retrieve a 21st Century probe sent from Earth called 'Friendship One.' However, the probe has been modified by a Delta Quadrant species, and the changes may not have been for the better."
"Stardate: 54817.5 - Chakotay and Seven Of Nine are left stranded on an alien planet when they crash into a planet inhabited by primitive tribes. Voyager is prevented from finding them by a mysterious energy barrier surrounding them."
"Stardate: 54868.6 - When Voyager discovers a settlement of Talaxians on an asteroid caught in an industrial conflict, the crew manage find a new home for the population. When an armed conflict between the mining operations and the re-settled Talaxians erupts, Neelix is offered a chance of a new life away from Voyager within the colony."
"The Doctor must impersonate various crew members when Captain Janeway is abducted and held hostage for Voyager's warp core."
"After a decades-long journey to reach the Alpha Quadrant, Admiral Kathryn Janeway makes a bold decision to change the past in an attempt to undo the toll taken on the crew during their arduous journey home.\n\nThis is the final episode of the series."
"After a decades-long journey to reach the Alpha Quadrant, Admiral Kathryn Janeway makes a bold decision to change the past in an attempt to undo the toll taken on the crew during their arduous journey home.\n\nThis is the final episode of the series."