UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters is an American television series that premiered on January 30, 2008 on The History Channel, produced by Motion Picture Production Inc., and ran for three seasons. Jon Alon Walz was the Executive Producer of the show and was responsible for selling the series to History Channel after a bidding war for the rights to the show broke out between History Channel and Sci-Fi Channel. The concept for the show was tested in a segment of History Channel's 2006 UFO special entitled "Deep Sea UFOs", produced by Motion Picture Production Inc, which featured two of the final four cast members. "UFO Hunters" was not a spin-off from a 2005 History Channel special with the same title. The tagline of the show is: Hoax or History? The series should not be confused with a similarly themed and titled UFO Hunters, a special that debuted the same day and time on the Sci-Fi Channel, and created by the producers of Ghost Hunters, but which only aired one episode. In the US, History Channel only released the first two seasons on DVD in the correct airdate order. However, the format was only released in full screen instead of wide screen. In the UK, History Channel released the third and final season on DVD however, the episodes were released in the incorrect airdate order.

Genre: Documentary

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 42m

Release: 2008

Rating: 5.6

Season 1 - UFO Hunters
"Six unidentified objects were seen near Maury Island, Washington; two Air Force officers later came to the site, investigated, and collected evidence. Their plane crashed near Kelso, Washington. The crew analyzes the crash site and looks at evidence."
"The team checks out the reports of Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs), one of which reportedly caused the crash of a single-engine light aircraft, off the coast of Santa Catalina Island, California."
"Claims of objects being implanted in human beings by alien abductions are investigated by the team, along with the help of several accredited doctors and scientists."
"A mysterious object was seen flying towards the U.S. Air Force in El Paso, Texas. When the U.S. military arrived to the scene, the Mexican military had already arrived; all of its members were found dead. The team investigates the crash site."
"A strange object was seen flying toward Bentwaters RAF base in England, a base holding nuclear materials. The team investigates and Nick Pope, former British Prime Minister of Defense, speaks about the incident."
"The team travels around the country to hear first-hand accounts from police officers of unexplained sightings."
"Technology thought to have come from UFO's and used for U.S. military aircraft is investigated. The site of the Roswell crash is focused on"
"The team looks into New York's Hudson Valley; Sedona, Arizona; and Britain's Stonehenge, to determine what makes them purported UFO hotspots.\n\n."
"The team interviews Terrell Copeland, a retired member of the US Marine Corps, and Michael Lee Hill, a resident of Lake Erie, about seeing unidentified objects. Their stories are found to be eerily similar."
"The team is hot on the trail of a case that just happened, one that had the whole country talking just weeks ago. In December 2007, people begin seeing UFOs in the skies ninety miles from Dallas, Texas. Within a month, the reports had increased ten-fold. The UFO Hunters travel to Stephenville, Texas to investigate the strange lights in the sky. They meet witnesses never interviewed for TV, analyze strange footage shot by people all over Texas, and come to an incredible conclusion."
"The team investigates incidents of pilots encountering and engaging in mid-air combat with UFOs."
"On the night of October 7, 1965 an actual UFO Military Alert took place at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Also involved were the following Air Force Bases in California: Norton, George, Hamilton and March plus NORAD and the Los Angeles Air Defense Sector (LAADS). An F-106 Delta Dart Interceptor was sent up after 12 Luminous UFOs (which were high tech solid craft, under apparent intelligent control, which easily outdistanced the F-106 at 40,000 foot altitude. \n\nWe have the confirmation on declassified control tower tapes, and the soldier manning the control tower that evening, Sgt. Chuck Sorrels. The audio reveals LAADS requested that Edwards AFB personnel wake up the bases UFO Officer to assess the developing situation. In 1965 Edwards AFB had a UFO Officer. The objects appeared on radar at Edwards and were also picked up on radar at San Pedro, LAADS, George AFB and were seen visually at George and several areas at Edwards.\n\nThe team interviews Sgt. Sorrels, listens to the audio of the events as they happened and plot the radar and visual sightings. Former Air Force Flight Engineer Bill Scott discusses the case with the team, and the UFO Hunters speak with George Merrett, a former test pilot based at Edwards who was at Edwards on October 7, 1965 \u2013 he will tell us what he saw and give his opinions as to what might have occurred in the skies above the United States\u2019 premiere air test facility."
"The team reviews footage from NASA showing unidentified objects in space. Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell and former NASA contractor Donna Hare are interviewed."
Season 2 - UFO Hunters
"A triangular-shaped aircraft seen over Tinley Park, Illinois is investigated. Similar reportings were made around the same time all around the world."
"Police officials in Ohio, Michigan and Illinois talk about the cases of UFO they have examined in their areas."
"The hunters head to Kokomo, IN. to check out a report of a high decibel boom which was felt and heard for miles and caused a flood of emergency phone calls. Included are theories of what may have caused such a loud noise."
"The 1897 crash of a alleged UFO in Aurora, Texas in examined. Also, a search for the grave of the aircraft's alien pilot was believed to be buried."
"A retrospective which examines the July 1947 in the New Mexico Desert of Roswell, where an alien ship purportedly crashed. Included are new theories, among them is a second crash may have occurred."
"An investigation of the formation of lights seen above the Phoenix skies in 1997 and 2008."
"n the early 1950's, James McDonald, a senior physicist at the University of Arizona, changed the entire course of UFO research. For nearly 20 years he examined UFO reports in great detail \u2013 interviewing over 500 witnesses, uncovering important government documents, and testifying before Congress in 1968. He challenged skeptics, performed scientific analysis, and led the charge for UFOs to be properly studied. After his tragic death in 1971, his investigations and files were sent to the University archives, where they lay dormant...until now. The team brings these lost UFO files back into the public eye for the first time on television, and looks at evidence long thought lost to history."
"The investigators take a look at close encounters of the second kind, such as the December 29, 1980 case of Betty Cash, and Vickie and Cody Landrum, who claimed they encountered a fiery object hovering over a road that emitted intense heat and allegedly left them suffering symptoms of radiation exposure."
"The team joins UFO researcher Nick Pope and investigates a recent wave of UFO hysteria in the United Kingdom which started soon after the Ministry of Defense released formerly classified documents in May 2008."
"The team probes the skies over England following an airline pilot's official report of a pair of UFOs he believed to be at least a mile in length, and a review of other sightings of gigantic unidentified craft seen over the United States."
"The hunters investigate the growing number of encounters between commercial aircraft and UFOs, highlighting a November 2006 incident at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago and a 2004 sighting in Osaka, Japan."
"The hunters try to find what the military covered up in a recent May 2008 crash of an unknown object in Needles, California, and looks at other famous crash incidents like the Kecksburg, Pennsylvania case where the military supposedly undertook a massive clean up effort and intimidated local witnesses."
"The team finds new vantage points to spy on the recent activity at Area 51, which in the past decade has acquired more public lands to increase perimeter security, and built new towers, buildings and runways for the continued development of top secret aircraft."
Season 3 - UFO Hunters
"For years, the team has been tracking an elusive prey only seen at night--ships, shaped like triangles, impossibly huge, and videotaped over cities around the world. But are they ours, or theirs? The team investigates numerous UFO sightings that have recently been reported in Sonora, California, a charming old West town nestled in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range nicknamed Triangle Alley. What makes these sightings so compelling are rare daytime footage of triangles in flight. This footage will be digitally analyzed to determine if these are indeed UFOs and not military jets. The team will also visit Texas to speak to military experts and witnesses to compelling triangle sightings. It's speculated that these triangle craft have been visiting us for centuries"
"The team looks into the claims of undercover investigators and former military personnel that an alien base exists somewhere below the New Mexico desert where human-alien hybrid experiments are being performed and how the beings there actually had a deadly conflict with human infiltrators."
"The team studies two alleged alien abduction cases with alarmingly similar details that involve encounters with the creatures known as \"Greys,\" and then they closely examine a strange humanoid skull found in Mexico that could be the remains of an alien-human hybrid."
"The hunters delve into the mountain of reports from the Gulf Breeze, Florida UFO sighting wave of the early 1990s and then looks for possible connections to recent reports from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba of alleged Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs) spotted rising from the ocean."
"The team ventures to Germany and Poland to investigate rumors that the Third Reich had reverse engineered alien technology and may have produced a functional spacecraft, and how some of this technology was captured by the United States and helped jump start the U.S. space program."
"The team investigates the phenomena of cattle mutilations, investigating a recent slaughter and following patterns of other cases, as well as sightings of black helicopters which have led some to believe the military may be involved in the killings as part of a secret experiment."
"Investigating so-called \"trace cases,\" the team studies supposed physical evidence left behind after various UFO sightings, from a strange glass-like rock found in Poland, to an odd piece of metal a Missouri man claims to have found after it was dropped from a UFO."
"No description"
20 May 2009
"No description"
29 Oct 2009
29 Oct 2009
"No description"