
Bea Smith is locked up while awaiting trial for the attempted murder of her husband and must learn how life works in prison. A modern adaptation and sequel of the iconic Prisoner series.

Type: tv

Season: 1

Episode: 1

Duration: 0h 45m

Release: 2013

Rating: 8.0

Season 1 - Wentworth
"Bea Smith is taken to gaol after attempting to murder her violent, rapist husband and is immediately taken in by the lesbian, drug-dealer, Franky Doyle. Liz Birdsworth and Doreen Anderson also befriend Bea, however a slip of the tongue turns Doreen against her. Governor Meg Jackson is becoming increasingly suspicious about the ladies and their ways of bringing crystal meth into the gaol. Deputy Governor Vera Bennett makes Meg look incompetent towards lawyer, Erica Davidson. Jacs Holt is released from solitary and reignites her rivalry with Franky. After making up, Doreen leaves her daughter Kaiya with Bea during a riot caused by Jacs and Franky. When Kaiya runs off, Bea follows after her. After Matt Fletcher and Will Jackson - Meg's husband - break up the riot, they find a lifeless Meg lying in the hallway, stabbed with a blood-soaked Bea standing over her."
"In the aftermath of the riot, Will blackmails Doreen into helping him and Bea is given no choice but to continue to lie."
"Bea is caught up in the brutal rivalry between Franky and Jacs while Erica struggles to gain the support of the officers."
"After Toni forces her daughter Kaiya to smuggle heroin into the prison, she is harassed by the women and her daughter goes into cardiac arrest. Doreen and Boomer conspire over home brew that has been fermenting for months. Bea begins to doubt whether she can take on Jacs after Jacs threatens the life of Debbie. Liz is told that her parole is being looked over and she organises an afternoon for the ladies to talk about their problems. We discover that Liz is an alcoholic and after drinking all the home brew and reveals her story - she killed her mother-in-law. Erica and Vera butt heads over the running of the prison. Will continues his search for Meg's killer and discovers Matt and Meg had a peculiar relationship."
"Erica can\u2019t escape her feelings for Franky and Bea reveals to Liz the truth about her marriage."
"Vera's attempt to impress Fletch backfires and her domineering mother reveals a humiliating secret to her peers, while Erica betrays Franky."
"Bea pays a high price for crossing Jacs while Franky gets her revenge, and Will reverts to his old ways."
"To gain back control of Wentworth Jacs makes a final play to break Bea."
"Fletch reacts badly to Bea's grief triggering his memories of a horrific experience in East Timor. Bea is dealt another devastating blow but is buoyed by the inmate's support, while Jacs's power further diminishes."
"Vera and Matt sleep together but when Vera finds out the shocking truth - Matt and Meg were having an affair, she fell pregnant and had an abortion - Matt tells her to get out of his life. Determined to find out who killed Meg, Will makes a deal with Jacs, however he later discovers Meg's bracelet in Jacs' cell. After threatening to kill her, Will has Jacs charged with Meg's murder. Liz and Franky talk about what really happened the day of Meg's murder: Franky went to find Jacs, and grabbed a knife. When Meg grabbed her arm, Franky thought it was Jacs and stabbed her. Liz took her bracelet and put it in Jacs' cell. Bea discovers the truth behind Debbie's murder and confronts Jacs. After Jacs tries to condone it, Bea takes a pen and shoves it into Jacs' neck and pulls it out, killing her almost instantaneously. She then presses the duress button after Liz had told her to never touch it."
Season 2 - Wentworth
"Joan Ferguson decides that changes need to be made at Wentworth. She becomes fixed on ending Franky's hold over her fellow inmates and forces Bea to return to the wings. But Bea cannot function without sedatives due to her grief. She realises that the only thing she has to live for is revenge against Brayden."
"Harry files for divorce from Bea but she refuses unless he helps her enact revenge against Brayden. Bea sets Harry up to meet with Brayden and he commits arson against the Holt business. A new inmate arrives and tells Kim that she has trafficked drugs. Franky refuses to call for help and tries to force her to defecate the heroin. When the drugs rupture in her digestive system she overdoses ans dies. Doreen meets a male prisoner Nash, who is enlisted on a project to build a gardening project. Ferguson gets Vera drunk and learns of Fletch's affair with Meg."
"Simmo returns to prison and starts selling drugs for Brayden. Bea befriends her in order to lure Brayden into a trap. Franky takes issue with Simmo selling drugs and gets Boomer to attack her. Franky orders Boomer to kill Simmo but Bea convinces her not to. Bea attacks Brayden when he visits Simmo but fails to kill him. Franky secures a supplier through the gardening project and Doreen and Nash grow closer while they care for a sick bird."
"Brayden enlists a hitman to murder Bea. Simmo warns Bea of the hit and she begins to suspect three new inmates. She suspects that a transsexual, Maxine Conway of being the perpetrator and Bea avoids her. But the real attacker tries to stab Bea in the shower room and Maxine manages to save her."
"Bea learns that Simmo's daughter is working for Brayden. She decides to make Simmo paranoid about her daughter's safety and gets Linda to lie to Simmo claiming she saw them together. Franky tries to use Maxine as her sidekick but she refuses. Boomer feels useless and accidently locks herself in a laundry shoot causing a prison lock down when they think she has escaped. Will violently attacks Fletch for sleeping with Meg. He also reveals that she was pregnant with his child and aborted it."
"Vera struggles to cope with her mother's terminal illness and Ferguson lends her support. Franky is attacked by a male inmate working on the garden project. She retaliates by stabbing him in his crotch and Boomer hides the drug supplies from the project. Liz betrays her friends by informing Ferguson about the location of the drugs. Boomer is taken to the slots and faces a lengthy sentence. Simmo's husband tells her that Brayden wants her to murder Bea. She is reluctant because she views Bea as her only friend. But fearing for her families safety she rigs an electric ..."
"Ferguson punishes the entire prison for Franky's drug trafficking by bulldozing the garden project. Doreen is upset when Nash is taken away but soon discovers that she is pregnant. Maxine yearns to see her boyfriend but her solicitor behaves in a transphobic manner. She attempts to escape from prison during a visit but Will and Vera manages to capture her. Vera becomes sick of caring for her mother and administers a lethal dose of pain relief."
"An isolated and paranoid Franky tries to uncover which inmate is leaking vital information to Ferguson."
"When Ferguson discovers Doreen is the pregnant prisoner, the Governor threatens to have Nash's parole revoked unless she lies about the father. Will is publicly accused of an inappropriate relationship with Bea."
"Liz is finally released and attempts to contact her estranged children, but her reintroduction to life outside is far from easy. Added to her troubles is Boomer's lust for revenge, which will not stop at the walls of Wentworth. Meanwhile Derek Channing tries to build his case against Ferguson, but soon realises that she will not be taken down easily."
"As Bea and Franky go to war for control of the prison, Bea puts her daring plan in motion. Meanwhile, Fletch is on a downward spiral of self-destructive behaviour as his final day at Wentworth looms."
"The extent of Bea's plan is revealed as she makes the final moves to avenge Debbie's death. Meanwhile Franky realises she is losing the support of the women and is forced to consider a deal."
Season 3 - Wentworth
"When Bea is sentenced to life without parole for the killing of Brayden Holt, Ferguson makes it very clear - she owns Bea now. So when Bea uses her standing as Top Dog to hit back, Ferguson takes revenge - she slots Bea and releases Liz from Protection, exposing Liz to a brutal bashing from Boomer. But Ferguson has underestimated Bea, who starts a riot amongst the prisoners. With the prison in lock-down Ferguson has to turn to Bea to quell the riot. Wentworth isn't Ferguson's prison - it's Bea's. Battle lines are drawn."
"Following the riot, Bea must balance an uneasy peace with Ferguson with the needs and expectations of the women. Ferguson wants to stamp out drugs inside the prison and for obvious reasons Bea finds herself on common ground with the Governor. But when it becomes clear that Ferguson wants Franky's head for it, Bea must wonder if, rather than help her cement her position as Top Dog, it may indeed be a ruse to undermine it. Meanwhile, Liz has a difficult reunion with her daughter Sophie and is unsure when Doreen proposes she be the alternate carer when the baby comes. Will is in a happy place and seems to finally be able to put the past behind him is shocked when he is the focus of a murder investigation."
"Franky's under fire. With her supply cut and her powerbase decimated, she's on her own when prisoners come after her to claim what they're owed. Bridget identifies Franky as someone she could really help, but Franky refuses to engage, venting her frustration by trashing the Education Unit. Meanwhile Bea is concerned at the police interest in Will, and shocked when he makes a startling confession."
"After being slotted for an aggressive confrontation with Ferguson, Liz's world is rocked with the arrival of a new prisoner. Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. When Bea is shivved in the yard, Franky comes under suspicion, but Bea quickly realises Jodie, freshly released from the Slot where she was terrorised by Ferguson, was behind the attack at the Governor's behest."
"As Fletch makes a difficult return to work at Wentworth, he is troubled by an incident that leads him to suspect his accident was no accident at all."
"Ferguson is blindsided by Jodie\u2019s complaint to the ombudsman. Channing attempts damage control, but Jodie\u2019s accusations of brutality promise to be very damaging for the Governor"
"Bea struggles to accept that she had a psychotic episode, despite the CCTV evidence. When her blood is found to have traces of LSD, she realises that her attacker caused the meltdown. She smuggles evidence out of the psych unit, understanding she'll need to play the long game if she's going to defeat Ferguson. Meanwhile Bridget struggles to force Franky to accept that she has an emotional block. But when she challenges Franky to talk about her mother, she elicits a confession she wasn't expecting."
"When Ferguson's pet goldfish dies, she identifies her lack of emotion at the death as a potential weakness, rather than strength. But in seeking a renewed connection with Doreen, Ferguson unwittingly makes herself vulnerable when she calls Doreen - Jianna. Bea sees this as a possible chink in her armour and tasks Doreen with uncovering the truth behind the name."
"Vera's faith in her Governor is put to the test. Meanwhile, Bea finds herself at her lowest ebb as she realizes her war against Ferguson is having an effect on those closest to her."
"Franky\u2019s parole hearing is brought forward but will she be granted a released? Meanwhile, Doreen faces an agonising choice. "
"When Fletch follows Bea's instructions to use Jianna as a means to unsettle Ferguson, he unwittingly sets Vera up to take the fall. Vera, for her part, is consumed with a desire for revenge against Lucy for infecting her with Hep C. Meanwhile, Bea's manipulations of Fletch result in him finally recovering his memory and alerting Will, who is on the verge of being arrested for Harry's murder, to the truth behind Ferguson's manipulations. As the forces align against Ferguson, she begins to unravel, realising she is in a fight of her life, professionally and personally."
"Ferguson is losing control, and the walls are closing in. Fletch and Vera band together in an attempt to overthrow the Governor, while Bea discovers the final piece of the puzzle to help solve Harry's murder. Meanwhile, Franky is preparing for her release. But when Jess makes a sudden, drastic move, all plans are thrown out the window and the stage is set for a dramatic showdown. "
Season 4 - Wentworth
"Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget s help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. The three unlikely allies devise a plan in which Bridget attempts to entrap Ferguson into exposing her psychopathy. Kaz stages a protest with the women in the yard in an attempt to force Vera s hand on the conjugal visits program."
"Against Vera's wishes, Ferguson is released into general. The women are out for blood but Vera confines Ferguson to her cell for safety reasons. When Ferguson challenges Vera's decision, she's left bewildered and wondering whether Ferguson has a death-wish. As always, Ferguson has an endgame but will she live to accomplish it?"
"With Bea in the slot, Ferguson intensifies her manipulation of Kaz. Seizing on the recent death of her father that sends Kaz into an inexplicable spiral Ferguson realises that Kaz was a victim of abuse at his hands. Ferguson uses her own troubled relationship with her father as a means of form a closer bond with Kaz. When new Indigenous inmate, Tasha, is put under Doreen s care, Ferguson sees an opportunity to force Kaz into action against Bea. With Maxine as acting Top Dog, Ferguson places Tasha in Lucy's orbit and when Tasha breaks the rules by protecting herself from Lucy's molestation, Maxine appears to have no choice but to punish Tasha. Ferguson urges Kaz to stand up to Maxine and save the innocent girl from abuse at the hands of a man , thereby tapping into Kaz's past trauma. Bea and Ally's bond is cemented when they are slotted in adjoining cells and spend hours talking."
"Bea is released from the slot and is immediately confronted by Lucy; if Bea doesn't punish Tasha for breaking prison rules, Lucy and her crew will be forced to. Doreen shocks everyone by turning her back on Bea and Liz is assigned to look after a new inmate, Sonia Stevens, on remand for the supposed murder of a young woman."
"Bea struggles to recover in the wake of her attack. Ferguson returns from the burns unit and is placed in a medical hold under the supervision of Jake. Maxine is back after surgery and finds herself in the crossfire of huge tension between Boomer, Liz and Sonia."
"With Bea and Allie finally out as a couple, Kaz forms an alliance with Tina's Asian crew to help take Bea down. But when Jake smuggles a new batch of drugs into the prison for Tina, Bea gets wind of the stash and orders Tina to flush the gear. Tina refuses, citing Bea's weakening power-base, and her alliance with the RRH."
"Bea awakes blissfully happy after a night with Allie but it is the eve of Ferguson's trial and the Freak has been relentless in putting the final touches to her scheme for freedom and exoneration. Liz becomes convinced of Sonia's innocence and then Don puts an offer to Liz which could change her life. Maxine is committed to the chemotherapy and her prison family rallies around her."
Season 5 - Wentworth
"Vera and Ferguson must deal with the fallout from the attack on Bea and Franky's past comes back to haunt her."
"Franky's trapped by her past, Vera takes desperate measures to foil Ferguson's self defence plea, Liz starts to regret her decision to testify against Sonia."
"Liz goes to Court to give her statement against Sonia and Frankie continues to try and find Mikes Killer."
"While Liz languishes back in Wentworth waiting for Don to come to her rescue, Sonia is a free woman, and Franky plans her escape."
"Franky's escape plan could have fatal consequences and Liz is forced to take drastic measures to protect herself."
"The women become frustrated with the Top Dog\u2019s lack of action against Lucy, and Vera receives a birthday present she will never forget."
"Allie attempts to take out Ferguson and Will sets a trap to bust the drug ring"
"Frank's escape plan torpedoes her relationship with Bridget. Sonia leaves her frustration to Liz. Will makes a shocking discovery."
"Will sets out to expose Jake, forcing Vera to make a hard decision; Franky engages help from the outside, while the net continues to tightens around Liz."
"Franky faces danger from an unexpected source. Ferguson pulls strings to sideline Vera. Liz goes to extreme lengths to try to get a confession from Sonia."
"Ferguson delivers Vera her coup de grace, unleashing unforeseen consequences. Franky's escape plans are waylaid when Kaz persuades her to join forces to bring down the freak"
"Franky and Allie put their escape plan into action. Liz takes desperate measures to protect herself. Ferguson suspects she's living on borrowed time."
Season 6 - Wentworth
"Franky is on the run. Vera is determined to prove Jake helped Ferguson break out. New arrival Rita Connors has her sights set on reconciliation with somebody from her past."
"Sonia returns from near death, hell bent on revenge on her poisoner. Boomer sets the cat among the pigeons when she implicates Liz."
"After being shot Franky seeks Bridget\u2019s help, but the police net is tightening. Meanwhile Kaz faces her toughest challenge when she warns Hutch to stop fight club."
"Marie Winter arrives in Wentworth. Sonia will go to any lengths to reopen her Green Wall workshop. Will is haunted by what he has done to Ferguson and Jake scrambled to stop him flipping out."
"Vera finds herself under added pressure at work when the press criticise her reopening of the workshop. When Jake saves Liz\u2019s life in a selfless act, Vera is forced her opinion of him."
"As Sonia tries to spin her \u2018Angel Of Wentworth\u2019 PR into an innocence campaign, her past crimes threaten to derail her - and it could be fatal."
"When Sonia is refused a move into protection, she sets up a plan to discredit Kaz and invalidate her position as top dog. With Marie onside, the plan is underway - but may have terrible repercussions for Allie."
"Kaz is released from the slot and the women realise she has profoundly changed, becoming Liz\u2019s protector, Kaz also demonstrates a harder, tougher top doggedness."
"When Vera discovers a shocking secret, she must decide whether to tell police, or enter into a conspiracy."
"Allie learns that Marie is getting surveillance photographs smuggled in that show the attack on her son, and Ruby panics."
"The police close in on Vera, Will and Jake. While Rita takes drastic action to protect her sister."
Season 7 - Wentworth
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"The prison is on tenterhooks as the war between Marie and Rita goes over the edge, after Rita has spent a very long time in isolation, she's out for revenge and so is Marie."
"Rita and Kaz form an alliance to bring down Marie, whilst Jake's jealously toward Vera is apparent as she forms a bond with a new colleague. Whilst a new acting deputy is voted in, it's someone we would least expect it to be."
"Rita\u2019s identity as a cop is under threat of being exposed to the other inmates, and Kaz embarks on a journey of self-discovery and atonement."
"Vera learns the sex of her baby whilst Marie and Kaz try and make amends, with Rita facing an impossible dilemma to keep her identity as a former cop a secret after being told to kill Kaz by the new inmate."
"The Prisoners and Staff mourn the loss of their Tog Dog, while the hunt is on for the person who murdered her. Tensions remain very high as the investigation into the death stir up emotions for everyone."
"The Prisoners tensions are still extremely high as questions start to be answered about what happened. While Boomer has some long awaited catching up to do."
"Ruby fights for her life as Marie continues to manipulate Will. The Prisoners are on edge as things are on the edge of imploding, the officers struggle to maintain the peace."
"The officers and prisoners find out what really happened to Ruby, as Marie's fall from grace continues her protector wants her silenced for good. Sean manipulates Linda into keeping quiet, and Liz meets her son for the first time in years."
"Liz makes a desperate attempt to see her son, whilst Jake becomes concerned for Linda when she's still being manipulated by Sean. The women turn on Marie, as Marie prepares to make a bold plan to be exonerated for her crimes."
"Marie stops at nothing to see that her plan go through, and with a fatal outcome and with nothing more to lose will Marie's plan to escape be successful, who lives and who dies?, and will the prison ever be the same again?"
Season 8 - Wentworth
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Season 9 - Wentworth
24 Aug 2021
"Allie recovers from her brutal attack, Marie enlists the help of Shelia to help take out Lou with tragic unforeseen circumstances that will see the prison driven to breaking point, as the staff deal with Ann's methods."
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28 Sep 2021
05 Oct 2021
12 Oct 2021
"Evidence comes back to haunt Vera and Will with them refusing to come clean about it until the police get involved. While tensions with the inmates reach an all time high when Rita tries to find out Lou's plan for the officers."
19 Oct 2021
26 Oct 2021
"Reckoning has come for Wentworth, as the survivors of the prison explosions fight to stay alive and make it to safety. In the ruins one final battle rears its head. Wentworth's staff and inmates look to their futures in the ruins of "